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    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to pop up a post to introduce myself. My name is Lisa. I am a Doula, a GentleBirth Instructor and VBAC educator also. I’m a VBAC mum myself. Had a very traumatic first birth and a wonderful VBAC last year.

    I am also Chair of the Drogheda Birth Matters Consumer Group which is run off a HSE initiative where the group meets with the hospital to discuss items that could be changed to make the service better for baby and mums. For example one of the topic’s we are currently focusing on in the Lourdes is skin to skin contact immediately after the birth for section mums.

    Looking forward to chatting to you all :D


    Hi Lisa,

    Welcome to Mumstown 😀

    I had a gentlebirth myself – lots of surges and no contractions!!! 😆

    I loved the CD’s and books and learning about how to have a calm birth. I just wish I had known about it before my first birth because that was a nightmare.

    But the others were much better.

    I always buy ‘The Better Birth Book’ for friends who are pregnant, I think Tracy Donegan is a genius.

    Its fun for couples to learn all the terminology like surges and the relaxing breathing. I remember my husband and I used to go to bed with our iPods and we would be listening to the CD’s at the same time and invariably, he would fall asleep within a few minutes and I would have to nudge him awake!!

    It really helped onthe birth. Even using words like surges was great fun – we used to crack up laughing about that and then when the birth came, he would say it to me and I would laugh.

    Cannot recommend gentlebirth highly enough.


    Hi Sabbi,

    Great you had such a positive experience. I had a rotten first time too and I love working with first time mums as it can make a world of difference.

    And yes I agree – the Better Birth Book is like a bible 😉


    Welcome 😉 Great to see there is a concerted effort being made by the HSE to normalize VBAC’s and natural births…

    I had 3 natural births (2 homebirths) so I am all for empowering women to have the birth they want whether it be in a hospital setting or at home or in a birthing/MLU type setting.

    I know Tracey D. well and would highly reccommend GentleBirth for any pregnant mom…most of the birthing battle is all in our heads! Fear can slow/stall any birth and as there is no instruction manual we need all the help and support we can get!


    Caligal, have you ever thought about getting involved with the Birth Matters group? You would be fab 😀


    Hi there, thank you for sharing your birth experience and for the book. I will definitely look for it so that it would help me on my future pregnancy. Anyway, I just wanted to share a site for women who wanted to conceive faster and to know when they are safe or not. This site has helped me a lot and I hope this could also help everyone here, good luck.

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