hayfever getting me down

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    anyone got any remedies for hayfever?

    I go through so many pills and sprays and some of them work ok and some don’t at all so just wondering if anyone has tried anything that was really good?

    this is the time of year when I start having trouble sleeping and getting through the day with hayfever. its a nightmare



    I feel your pain, hayfever is a nightmare. some things that I do

    * Saline nasal spray
    * Vaseline up your nostrils before you leave the house
    *I find that antihistamines make me sleepy in the day so I take them at night which help sleep at night a bit more too
    *get local honey if you can – eat a spoon a day as its meant to help
    *don’t have bedroom windows open (especially on high pollen days)
    * don’t dry your clothes/ bedding outside
    * when you can always wear wrap around sunglasses that cover a lot of your face & a hat with a peak if you can as it stops the pollen getting near you.
    * I also have a eye mask that can be chilled in the fridge that I use at night over my eyes to ease the discomfort on a bad day.

    I hope that some of that helps you. fingers crossed its not as bad this summer as last year.


    Our daughter and my husband are attending a salt therapy clinic in Drogheda for their asthma and apparently, this is also very effective for hayfever so it might be worth looking into for hayfever?

    Here is a little bit more details about what it involves and how it works:

    Salt Therapy performed at ‘salt of the earth’ clinic in Bryanstown Centre, Drogehda, Co Louth, isa 100% natural, drug free treatment.

    It relieves congested airways, coughs, sleepless nights due to asthma attacks and other symptoms.

    Salt Therapy is a clinically tested DRUG-FREE treatment, which replicates the healing microclimate within a naturally occurring salt cave. This is achieved by using high dispersion, saline diffused air. The dry, diffused salty air is breathed in to relieve health problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), asthma, sinusitis and other respiratory and skin conditions.

    While modern pharmaceuticals provide effective relief from chronic diseases, there are serious side effects associated with repeated or prolonged use. Continuous drug therapy is associated with the possible development of allergic or toxic reactions, development of antibiotic resistent microorganisms, spreading of dysbiosis and long-term immune system compromise.

    Our patients normally stop using their antibiotics, corticosteroid, inhalers, antihistamine and other drugs, not because we ask them to, but because they have become symptom-free.

    The healing microclimate of a natural salt mine is recreated inside a therapeutic salt room using the Breeze Tronic Pro medical device pharmaceutical grade salt is finely milled and accurately mixed with a regulated current of air, which is then evenly dispersed throughout the salt room. Breeze Tronic Pro is programmed to synchronise particle size, concentration, room temperature and humidity and to maintain the optimum, therapeutic environment for each client.

    The dry, negatively charged, salt enriched air is easily inhaled with the natural breathing rhythm, as the salt particles are very small and hardly noticeable. Because of this, the salt can be inhaled to the deepest level of the lower lungs. This guarantees delivery of the healing benefits of the salt where it is mostly needed. Once in place it dissolves and attracts the positively charged, small impurities, which are later coughed up by the patient or leave the body via metabolic processes.

    Call 041 9846391 for your first natural Salt Therapy treatment or book online at http://www.saltoftheearth.ie/

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