Fully fledged Mammy…

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    You know you’re a fully fledged and utterly knackered Mammy when you walk through a shopping centre with your skirt tucked in your knickers. Yes, I did that! It was mortifying and shame on all the people who walked behind me and didn’t tell me!

    Took a good while from when I left the loo until someone told me :oops: :oops: :oops:

    Have you ever made a show of yourself due to a lack of sleep???



    sorry Sabbi its funny haha


    It is funny and I don’t mind laughing at myself at all. Sure, last summer I was out to lunch with the girls and only when I was in the loo as we were about to pay the bill, did I realise I was wearing odd shoes.

    Shameful I know!!! But I think itswhat happens to us when we are sleep deprived!!


    I know the feeling of sleep deprivation 😆 nothing like that has happened to me yet but sometimes in the morning rush hour when trying to get kids ready for school after I walk out the door I think to myself ‘did I put on my clothes?’ haha and I actually look down to check if Im wearing my bottoms or not 😆

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