Feeling a bit nervous???

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    Hi girls,

    Kelly suggested that she could bring some name tags and anyone who wants to, can write their login name and also their real name on them, so we’ll be able to figure out who each other is…

    what do you think of that idea?

    although, I hope they’re glam name tags, don’t want to ruin my outfit!! hee hee…

    I think we all feel a bit nervous at these things, even the chatterboxes among us!! But once you go a few times it gets much easier.

    I’ve only been to the coffee mornings so far so I’m really looking forward to not having my adorable (albeit mental) 18 month old with me Fri night, so I can hold a conversation and not have to run after her every 5 seconds!

    see you all fri night!
    Sabbi (Siobhan)


    Think name badges are great idea for those who would like to wear one. As for being able to hold a conversation!! I don’t think I have completed one whole conversation or even trail of thought since I had children!! I love my children very much but it is so lovely to go out and have an adult conversation ALONE!! In saying that, today’s parent child group in Laurences was great..really good turn out! See you all Friday!! 😉


    Im changing my login name to sexymamma so! Or gorgeous fit mamma who isnt wearing magic knickers I SWEAR! 😆 😆


    name tags are definitely a good idea! 🙂 and i’m quite excited myself about fri night, even my dh is excited for me!!! is that weird? 😆


    I am very new here too and i haven’t really chatted to anyone here yet, or posted anything very interesting if I’m honest 😳 but i’m going to be brave and just go and I’m also looking forward to putting faces to the names 😀


    we’ll all have fun…..i’d say hubby’s and partners delighted to see that back of the women for the evening…why wouldn’t they lol….


    Happy, I dont like Magic Knickers/ Spanx they make me look like a barrell!!!! 😆 😆 😆

    Cant wait for Friday , should be great fun, any one know are we in a private room or in the normal bar????

    You should all know me as I am the one with the big camera 😆

    ( And not drinking – well maybe 1 or 2 😆 )

    Don’t worry Yummy or any one else , I shal only be snapping willing participants 😀


    What is the story with Spanx??? I got them when baby was born and thought they were fab, but suddenly they started to push the flab in odd directions…muffin affect on my back etc!! They are the right size, but just don’t work!! Maybe I wore them too much? In saying that they give a lovely flat stomach and slim thighs….I look well trim as long as I don’t turn around! 😳


    Happy you could change your name to Slapper for the night…. will match your red heals 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


    I’ll bring 3 nametags, happymammy before champagne, sexymammy after a few glasses (i know your only allowed one free one but hey me and the magic nicks havnt been out in a while! then after that and a few beers i will be pissedmammy actually i dont want anyone knowing im a mammy at that stage ok!!!!!!!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆

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