Epidural – yes or no?

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    What do you think or the epidural? Would you rather have it or go without?

    I did ask for it on my first and second births but they both happened on bank holiday weekends and there was skeleton staff so I could not get an epidural as there was no anesthetist available. (only in Ireland eh!)

    I had my other babies at home so knew I could not have one but after going through it twice without, I knew I would be grand.

    What is it like to have one? are you fully numb from the waist down? is ti good?


    I got an epidural on DD – it was such a difference, from agony to nothing! Weird not feeling anything that was going on down there.. but did end up with a section in the end.

    No epidural on DS and it was such a different experience! Yes painful but the recovery was much better.

    I don’t like how people are judged for having one… we all get the same award, our beautifulbaby’s 🙂


    I had 2 epidurals for totally different reasons
    on dd1 – no-one told me that although you’re numb and have no control over your legs etc – you can still feel all the tugging – not sore just aware of it. 2nd time I was prepared for that and it was fine.
    Yep I do think there is a lot of people judge those that do have epidurals as choosingthe "easy" option and there’s a kind of a bragging – not everyone mind but it is there from some who have natural births…….. I would love love to have experienced a natural birth but I had high blood pressure and very bad odema – babs heart beat started dropping with contractions and my blood pressure was going sky high so I took the doctors advise – at the end of the day I didn’t care we were both safe at the end of the day and I had my bundle of joy in my arms – does how she got there really matter???? 😉

    DD2 I had an elective section and after the trauma that was dd1’s birth it was a walk in the park, I was back on my feet the next morning – would have got up earlier If I’d been allowed was waiting at the door to get out of hospital and was at my sisters wedding 8days later 😉 – I was worried about choosing surgery for both me and her but it was the right thing for us to do – not saying it would be right decision for everyone but it was for me.


    Had it 2 times and I was very happy with it, no after side effects either 🙂 . I’ve iven birth to my 🙂 first son with no pain killers whatsoever, no gas and air either, it was hell 😀 being so young and inexperienced I actually thought it’d be like in the movies 😀 you know…pain starts and few minutes later you have a baby 😆
    Thank god for modern medicine 😀


    I have experienced 3 different births

    1 natural on my first baby
    1 emergency section
    1 planned section

    I think I’m glad my first was natural as I didn’t know any better lol! Would have tried to go natural again but definAtely would have been more apprehensive about it after experiencing it already,

    I did like the planned section although quite nervous!


    Chance would be a fine thing! My first labour was 12 hours but – idiot that I was – I was going to go it all natural come hell or high water….

    The next three moved too bloody fast. DS2 was born within an hour of getting to the hospital & DS3 & DS4 had labours of under 3.5 hours from first contraction to delivery. Very intense & no time for epidural. Husband asked in delivery room awaiting DS2 if I wanted one & nurse told him baby would be there b4 epidural arrived

    Maybe next time… 😆 (Joking!!!!!!)


    Yes,Yes, for the love of god yes!


    The epidural is a personal choice. It is just one of many options for pain relief on the day. As long as women make an informed decision on it and understand the risks it carries then it should be available to them absolutely. I don’t think it should be the only plan that you have for pain relief because as stated above – you may not be able to get one due to staffing, it may not take, etc. The keys to pain relief is the preparation you do in pregnancy so you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. Exploring hypnosis, acupressure, water emersion, etc all great tools to have with you


    I would have had it babies 1 & 2 if I could have but with the way things worked out, they did not have staff available to give it to me!

    But once I realised I could manage my labours without one, it was my choice on my 3rd & 4th babies not to have it at all.

    It is definitely a personal choice and should be up to the woman and hopefully, whatever she decides can be done to her.


    Have to add – being in warm water was amazing! It soothed my aching body and really helped me relax. If you can get into a bath when in labour, I would 100% recommend it, definitely helped get me through.


    I had an epidural on first baby, but I think it wore off by the time I was nearly dilated, as it was very painful and subsequent stitching was agony so I needed a local anaesthetic injection and gas and air just for time I was being stitched! 2nd baby by the time I got to labour ward and requested one, got bloods taken I was fully dilated so too late! And my third labour I had an emergency general anaesthetic after fully dilating with gas and air.
    I have to say I was crying for epidural on first and second baby but recovery is so much quicker without epidural. Its your body, your choice and no one who has ever given birth vaginally or otherwise 😀 will judge you for it!


    Hi, if I will be pregnant again i want an epidural on my second. I really had a bad experience on my first pregnancy and I do not want to feel the pain again. So, it really depends on you, good luck. I also wanted to share with you a site that you can use to calculate your baby’s due date. http://www.babyduedatecalculator.net/


    As I said earlier, I never had one (and ain’t planning a fifth!) but some things helped put me off…

    1. chance of paralysis (even though very, very small)
    2. chance of aterrible migraine after (& I’m prone to them anyway)
    3. being numb from waist down for hours after birth (happened to friend who got epidural only for the baby to unexpectedly decide to sprint out…)
    4. chance of it not working after taking all of the above risks

    Ah, well, I’ll never know now….


    Coming back to add to my comment after 8 months of back pain. I’ve had 2 epidurals but this 2nd one I think has caused me some damage. It’s been 8 moths since the birth of my son and back pain is just as bad as it was after delivery. I’m not sure if epidural is to be blamed but from what I’ve heard from other women it’s highly likely.
    The thing is that labour pain is so intense that at the time you just want it to stop and you do not care about the consequences but if you believe you can do without than my advice would be do without an epidural. 🙂


    Hi there, after having my daughter I decided right then and there that if I am going to have a child again I will have an epidural because my experience with my normal delivery is (just being honest here) unpredictable, I do not want to experience a labor almost 24 hours and contractions which took me 2 days before the labor and it was very painful. They say numbness is the result of epidural but I would really take it and I want to see the difference. So, it is always your call, and I wanted to share with you a site for you to know when you are due. I hope this site could help because there are also other things there that I think you would like to know about pregnancy, good luck. http://www.babyduedatecalculator.net/ar … i-due.html

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