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    Need to get out and do something I’m busy with house and baby but need to get out and do stuff but not much you can do with baby starting to get a bit lonely when cooped up at home


    Hi there,

    Have you checked out the events guide on here? There are lots of things going on in there that might interest you, see

    We take our daughter to waterbabies classes and the classes are a great thing to do with baby and then, some of the parents have a coffee after, so its a nice way to meet other mums for a chat. see

    There are Mumstown events on each month in Drogheda & Dundalk if you can get to one of those?

    We are in Laurence Shopping Centre on the first Tuesday of each month in the Bagel Bar from 10-12

    Then, we are in the Marshes shopping centre on the first Thursday of each month in the Bagel bar from 10-12

    You can check your local shops, church and community centres noticeboards too, there are often flyers up on those about baby yoga, baby massage, mummy & me coffee mornings etc.

    Hope some of that helps 😀


    We are starting water babies at the next start of term for it I have already been on and asked about it 🙂


    Brilliant, you’ll love it. Our daughter has come on leaps and bounds since she started. She is such a great little swimmer now.

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