Bag robbed from Car Boot

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    On Sunday night/ Monday morning my weekend bag was robbed from my car boot in Five Oaks – Im freaked as it contained good clothes, shoes, MAKE Up, jewellery & toiletries and about €30 cash & my laser card. You know your self all the stuff you would have in it when away for a couple of nights. When i started adding it all up its a tidy sum.

    Im kicking myself for being too tired to bother bringing it in on sunday night before i went to sleep.

    Reported it to the Gardai only to find out my neighbours ( a few doors up) car boot was also robbed on the same night, a laptop was taken!!!

    The scumbags.

    Anyway, Gardai said that my bag was more likely to show up in a bush or bin somewhere, minus the jewellery & cash of course but id be happy to get any of my clothes or shoes or make up or anything back at all. I even liked the bag it was all in.

    So just wanted to ask you all to keep an eye out for any disgarded bags when you are out & about, maybe walking or running?

    Im still trying to be positive, that it might show up.



    Thats terrible I really feel for you. I had a car stolen front outside my house and burnt out a few years ago, like that there was stuff in my car that I never bothered to take out. I don’t leave anything in my car anymore.


    Sorry to hear about this.

    As a matter of interest was the car unlocked or did they force entry?


    God thats terrible!!! Must warn dh as he would often leave his golf clubs being lazy… did you walk up the Rugby club lane? I will keep an eye out


    So sorry for you Mary, that’s horrible

    Its happened lately in Julianstown, Gormanston areas too. I know of a few cars broken into in Julianstown and someone tried to steal my friends car from Gormanston beach a few weeks ago.

    She was on the beach with the children and when she came back to car, all the electrics had been cut as whoever tried to steal it could not get it started to rob it, so they cut the electrics instead. She was stuck on a beach with her kids and it cost her 400 euro to get fixed.

    I had my handbag stolen from the front seat of my car when I was dropping my son to school a few years ago. I pulled up, ran out of car, dropped him in (was gone literally 20 seconds) and when came back, my bag was gone. I did not notice until I got home and by then, they were long gone with bag, which had phone, wallet etc. I never leave my bag in my car now, always take it in.

    I hope Kharma is real and it comes back to bite them in the backside!!


    Thanks Girls.

    We are real victims of crime alright, sure our house was robbed this time last year & previous to that my dh brand new Motorbike was robbed from the back garden a few years ago. Its creepy to think of people outside your house at the night while you sleep. I already have the state of the art alarm, the video intercom system but now im getting the censor light for the driveway too.

    Anyway, sure they are only things, it could be worse.

    Still hoping that that some of my clothes will show up – really would like my dress & shoes back.


    We have a dog and she barks if anyone walks past never mind into the garden, might be worth investing in a dog for the kids and its win win for all as its proven if you have a dog robbery rates drop


    I wonder what my light sleeping neighbours would think of that!!! Lol

    We actually do plan to get one when the kids are a little older.


    I wonder what my light sleeping neighbours would think of that!!! Lol

    We actually do plan to get one when the kids are a little older.

    Oh forgot about them!!! lol… well they wouldnt be light sleepers anymore, they would be NONSLEEPERS 😆 😆 😆

    Financial Companion

    So the neighbours that could hear your dh quietly lifting weights or on a treadmill in your shed, couldn’t hear someone breaking into a boot?? 😯

    Let them know that you saw someone at their car at night…..they might stay awake and be your neighbourhood watch! 😆


    I know Financial Companion, they also didnt hear our house being broken into last year either – they are mad!!!

    Good news, dh just phoned me in work to say that he was cutting the grass & went to put the cuttings in the wheelie bin only to find some of my belongings!!!! My good shoes & dress there anyway, but as i suspected my clutch bag with money, cards & make up are gone. I cant wait to get home to see what they left behind.

    God they are brazen, they actually took the time to root through the bag & dumped what they didnt want.

    Financial Companion

    Many years ago, a friend of my brother who was sick of his little banger of a car getting stolen or broken into, so he got a piece of wood and nailed a lot of nails into it, leaving the sharp edges sticking up, and each night for about a week, he left the car door not quite fully closed and put the wood with nails pointing up under the fur seat cover. After about a week he came down to find the door a bit more open and blood all over the seat! 😆

    Unfortunately these days, if you booby trapped the car you’d end up getting sued by the "poor" victim! 👿

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