Baby wont sleep on back for long??

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    My dd (4 wks) wont sleep longer than two hours max (ahhhhhh- im shattered) when lying flat on her back but if in car seat or bouncer, on my chest, actually anywhere not on her back, she will sleep until i wake her for a feed!!

    She had a stressful birth, her heart rate dropped & was delivered fairly quickly in the end via vacum, due to this i suspect that maybe something might be slightly out of place in her neck/back causing discomfort when she is on her back, so thinking about bringing her for cranial osteopathy – has anyone any experience of this or any other suggestions?

    I know she is very young, so will wait another few weeks until she is over the 6 week mark but if things dont improve will have to bring her to see someone.


    oh MaryE thats terrible, my ds had a tricky birth too, he was a great sleeper but he couldnt hold his head up for months. His head was stuck in the birth Canal, the doctor performing the section said he was stuck and he was sending the midwife around to try push ds back up!!! Nice… would rather not have know iykwim.
    I went to gp and hospital, ds was in Early intervention and had physio everyday and tonnes of test, all is well now
    No reason was ever given why he was like this, but he got better and withinn months was on track with his peers, thank God.
    I think if mammy thinks something is wrong then most likely there is something wrong iykwim


    After ds1 was born i had an awful bad back, as i was completely green i thought this was normal…ds1 was not sleeping either for me, only up on mychest as you have said.

    Long story short i could stand back pain no more and went to osteo to discover i had two slipped disc’s from the difficult labour, she sorted me out and then asked me to bring in baby…..3 sessions of manipulation and he was doing all nighters….he was about 12 weeks when i took him.

    Hope thats of use to you!!


    Thanks for replies.

    Can you recommend anyone?

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