Re: Lonely….

Home Forums Louth Chat Lonely…. Re: Lonely….


Try to joinn some toddlers group, you may or may not make really good friends, but you’ll definitly have a chance to socialise.

I met my best friend at a toddler group.
Last year I felt very lonely, and this year didv start badly as all my very closed friends moved abroad (very far, might see them every second year max) for work.
So because my kids are going to school, I did start to be more involved in the equestrian centre my daughter is riding. Keeps me busy and gives me a chance to see grown-ups.
Also I do Avon, and it’s a way to chat with people, and often I get a cup of tea with deliveries. It’s a way for me especially when my kids were younger to keep in touch with the world of grown-ups otherwise I would have felt very lonely.

How old are your children?
Maybe you should get an activity once a week to meet new faces and have your husband at home so you can get out for a couple of hours without your kids, you love them but every mum need some me time.
