Women be careful in Dublin

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    A woman jumped out of a hotel room window to avoid being attacked by a man who has a criminal record as a rapist. She was lured by him to his room but when he lunged at her, she knew she was in trouble and hopped out the window.

    Unfortunately, he got away and has not been captured yet so if anyone going to Dublin, please be aware that there are some shady characters on the loose and keep your wits about you.

    http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/wo … 92485.html


    Mother of Jesus… it’s getting more like America every day…

    Siobhán @ Mams

    I know, its terrible but the law is weird and not all sex offenders have to report their location, so this fella can come and go as he pleases and while he can, women are at risk.

    So if you have a female friend who might be going out in Dublin and is being approached by someone a bit odd, tell them to be on the lookout. 🙂

    Not a nice way to think but this woman was lucky she got away from him – its just such a pity he got away. 😈


    Brave woman!!

    There was a case down the country a week or two ago where a group of men kidnapped a girl and held her for several days – beating and raping her.

    The morals in the country appear to be on a sharp downward slide.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    They caught him – the woman who reported the crime told Gardai that she had injured the man when he attacked her and they were watching the hospitals, waiting for a man fitting his description & injuries to show up and he turned up on Beaumont hospital on Wednesday and they were alerted and went to arrest him.

    Thank goodness, one less depraved lunatic on the streets. Hope he goes away for a very long time.

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