wierd happenings

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    just to let you guys know some wierd happenings around our estate,

    mornington so unless people on the prowl, the guy 2 doors up had his car attempted break in for the 2nd time, hubby noticed on sat night that there were a few more people walking about than usual around 12.30 in the morning, i wasn’t there so didn’t see, my friend said fireworks were going off also, and then today we noticed in our back garden that at the back wall we have a flowerbed and one of the solar lights was broken(it’s a high flowerbed so dog wouldn’t be able to get at lights), also we have an extension and the roof slopes down low and the dogs kennel on the decking was moved out enough to be able to climb onto and hoosh yourself up onto the roof, we bring the dog in at night, but what is strange why would someone go to a house that they see a dog kennel in the back what if we had a fierce dog?? very strange indeed, so dunno if someone has been prowling about but just thought would let people know to keep an eye on things, make sure sheds locked alarms on at night etc…..we always have our alarm on and if they touch window the alarm would go off and eircom alarm too, so think kinda strange as we have neighbours that don’t have alarms, will check with them if noticed anything strange in their gardens etc…so be vigilant…i think if the alarm went off i sould crap myself, so fingers crossed they will stay away

    super minder

    good for you for warning people. bring back neighbourhood watch xxx
    i would feel saver with alarm too . mind you i have nothing worth robbing xxxx

    hows the little one doing


    thanks for that scole! i did hear of a break in on yr estate last year and itw as during night..so u wonder what goes on at night…..i have made our garden like fort knocks so dogs cant get out…but i bet sum1 wd get in if they wanted to!!!


    We do neighbourhood watch in our estate. If you want to start it up just contact the local Garda station and they will give you some tips and advice and also, some stickers to put in your windows too

    It’s good to keep an eye out and let others know.


    well all i can say is if you have an alarm set it at night and if u dont have one get one ,

    JUly 08 , we went to bed as normal , hubby got up for work next omorning at 6am and our front door was open as in open open. he closed the door walked into the kitchen still not registering walked into the living room and it hit him we had been broken into while we were asleep in bed. He ran up , called me and I thought he was messing , i went down had a look around , seen he what was stolen, then my inital thoughts went to dd , jaysus what if she was taken, i flew up stairs wretching and was terrified of opening her door , she was safe fast asleep. i went down and I also noticed that my perisan Garfield was missing , i went out onto the street in my sunday best 😳 and went looking for him everywhere , i just kept wretchin at thoughts he was gone and these buggers were in my house. I eventually found my terrifed big boy huddled about 8 houses up from us and he was all wet and girls it was pee that was on him 😥 😥 I was delighted and disgusted when i found him.

    We had loads taken and the buggers did this and us in our house ASLEEP.


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