What is Financial Planning??

Home Forums ASK THE EXPERT Financial Advice & budgeting ideas What is Financial Planning??

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    Financial Companion

    was gonna ask that question too scole, thanks!

    Financial Companion

    Suffice to say, there are many different aspects of Financial Planning. Whether someone has started a family and concious of protection needs, or whether someone is going through a separation and needs to know what some of their options are in terms of borrowing potential, life and specified illness cover alterations or retirement planning options. The important thing is to take the time to see what is most important and appropriate to your circumstances. To be realistic, very few people will conciously make time on a regular basis, in order to examine the various aspects of their financial planning. In many minds, it doesn’t rate as important as a medical check-up, getting the car serviced or even watching the soaps! Spending as little as an hour, just once per year, could be the difference between having a secure, financial future or wishing you had a time machine to back and solve a serious problem! Having a review is free, confidential and without obligation but it is usually time very well spent! (and you can always record the soaps 😉 ) Contact details on http://www.financialcompanion.ie or you can PM me here on mumstown.


    ant tips for us how to do a budget spread sheet, on how to go about setting a budget and sticking to it, so that out goings aren’t higher than incomings….and being realistic too…

    (that would be beside the regular, mortage etc etc, it’s all the others bits like grocery, etc etc)

    Financial Companion

    Hi Scole, if you have excel on your computer, I put together an excel budget sheet that some people have found very useful. Firstly, you key in your regular outgoings like mortgage, telephone etc., then on a daily basis for one month, you key in every other single expenditure, from €2 for parking, €1 for sweets for kids, pizza, bottle of wine, hairdressers etc. It calculates a running total as you key items in on a date and as the month is going on you can see your total spend including your regular outgoings, then at the end of the month youhave a very clear view to look back on and also see the real total of what you are spending. This actually shocks a few people when they do it for the first time as all of the little things give them a different total to what they had thought. If you want to examine it further then, you can colour code essential and non-essential, regular and irregular. If you want to PM me an email address I can send you the spreadsheet. Beyond that, if you want to examine some of the ways that you may be able to cut spending, feel free to contact me and we can arrange a time to go through it. Again, no charge and no obligation. Hope this helps!

    Financial Companion

    PM’d you back and emailed trixie 😉


    cool…..thanks for that will mail ya…

    mmmm just thinking aloud what about a little mumstown session??

    Financial Companion

    That wouldn’t be a problem Scole, I do information meetings anyway. If it was just a handful of people, I can pop to one of the houses, if a larger group was interested in a talk, I’m sure we could get a suitable location like the D Hotel or somewhere appropriate.


    thanks a mill !!


    That would be great financial session – not a Tuesday night though…

    Financial Companion

    cool…..thanks for that will mail ya…

    mmmm just thinking aloud what about a little mumstown session??

    Scole, I’ve just got one of the life companies to provide us with a small conference room in the D Hotel to facilitate a mumstown members session. I’ll post a thread to see if there would be interest and what would suit people!

    Financial Companion

    Has anyone started using the spreadsheets yet? Anyone that wants a copy just PM me with your email address or email me at info@financialcompanion.ie

    To see the various other aspects of financial planning, feel free to browse the web site http://www.financialcompanion.ie


    We made our spreadsheets.
    That’s we review each year, to allocate more funds into grocery if price are up then put less into clothes (now reduced to a minimum, don’t think we can go any lower in that categorie).
    I’d like if possible to see yours, to compare to get ideas to see if we can improve our budgeting.


    Financial Companion

    We made our spreadsheets.
    That’s we review each year, to allocate more funds into grocery if price are up then put less into clothes (now reduced to a minimum, don’t think we can go any lower in that categorie).
    I’d like if possible to see yours, to compare to get ideas to see if we can improve our budgeting.


    I’ve just emailed you the spreadsheet, Fabienne 😉


    Thank you.


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