Hello All,
I had a conversation today in regard to Bord Gais and Flo Gas.
This time last year I was with Bord Gais and my gas bill for Dec to Feb was almost 600.00 euro.I decided I needed to look at alternative so I changed to Flogas and this time round my bill is in at 303.00 euro which to be honest is an incredible difference.
Flogas offer customers 15% discount and for ppl who use alot of gas depending on the size of house can get 20% .
I also changed my ESB to Airtricity with a saving of 14% .
I know Airtricity got alot of ppl with 20% option 14 % for gas and 6% for electricity with a contract to be signed.
I hope this is of help for some of you as I know all are pockets are on a tighter budget thanks to the government we have
Love and light