Warts in kids?

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    Siobhán @ Mams

    Our 5 year old daughter has some small warts on a few of her fingers and am not sure the best way to get rid of them – any suggestions welcome.

    Looking for a natural approach if possible.



    Hi Sabbi,

    My daughter and son had them on their fingers and they got quite big after a while. I tried everything and I mean everything.

    If they’re quite small I found the acid Occlusal very good. You apply that in the evening (put vaseline on the areas around the wart), then the next evening gently file the wart with an emery board. Then keep repeating the process until the wart’s gone.

    In the end though, I went to the doctor and he froze them. I still had to use the acid and emery board a few days after and eventually they all disappeared, never to be seen again.



    have to say wartner is great, i used it on myself, had a wart and it’s gone within a week of using this, it’s the freezing like the doc i have some if you want as you buy the thing and get loads of heads with it for use it’s dear enough as you end up with a tube you don’t need afterwards unless you get more…so if ya want it pm, it’s lying in a press waiting to remove other warts 😉


    i worked in a chemist and the above products are great, i wouldnt use them on my 4 year old iykwim… if your looking for a natural cure there is a very very easy one but it can take a while, if you remove oxigen from the wart it should just die off, so something as simple as putting a plaster over the wart, it could take a week or two but you did say they are small…… its a natural option
    Good luck

    Susan Cooney

    Hi ,
    Can u describe the wart, could treat it homoeopathically, is it her first one.


    After trying wart remover from the chemist and homeopathic remedies which were useless, I found that crushed garlic did the trick in my 7 year old.
    I would let some of the ‘juice’ from the crushed garlic soak in to the gauze/cotton will part of a plaster and put the plaster over the wart. It is really important to put vasaline over the good skin around the wart of it will blister.

    After about 6 nights of doing this before he went to sleep the two warts gave up the ghost.. one fell off, the other he took great delight in picking off in school!

    Hope that helps

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions, really helpful.

    I’m going to try the homeopathic remedy Thuga, that Susan recommended first and will let you know how I get on.

    Americano – like the idea of the garlic too; that sounds like something else I can try without any fuss.

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