VBAC – choice after c-section???

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  • #9320
    Siobhán @ Mams

    hi all,

    Read this in today’stimes, very interesting stuff about vaginal births after previous c-sections…

    http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/hea … 17439.html


    Interesting read… when I had DD just over 6 years ago, I was induced and ended up with a c-section… then when I was pregnant with DS, my consultant asked what I wanted… I was keen to try for a natural birth, with having DD at home and having to get her out to school etc, recovery would have been quicker… she was very supportive about it and advised that as I was a previous section, I was high risk for another which I understood, coupled with having gestational diabetes too.

    We spoke about it continuously throughout the pregnancy so we knew where we were at. DS decided to arrive 9 days early, and I got a natural birth, which was a huge shock!!!!!, but definitely a better option as it was great to have a shower straight away and be up and about so soon… so basically having a consultant who supports your decisions is a major factor too.


    I had a section on my first and it turned nasty with a bleed, so when i got pregnant on ds2 my consultant almost jumped for joy when i asked for a VBAC, she thought it was a great idea!
    Its a pity my new arrival wasnt reading off the same page and ended up with c section in the end
    But was advised it was the best route

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