Toddler tantrums

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    I know we’ve been through it all before and we usually let them ride it out when they have a tantrum, but if anyone has any tips on dealing with toddler tantrums, please share!

    Feel like we may needa few tips as our baby girls starts to assert her little personality and is throwing a few stroppy tantrums!!


    Am there! DS3 is busy asserting himself…


    Do they ever grow out of it??? My dd is heading for 4 1/2 and knows how to do major drama!!

    Distraction seems to be the best tactic – failing that ignore and they get over it fairly soon.


    Haileys favourite word at the moment is NO!……its NO to getting dressed, NO to nappy changes NO to coming in from the garden NO to going to bed etc etc… get the picture!!


    Summer is crossing her arms, scrunching up her little face and saying ‘NO’ alot too!!!

    She is also starting to push her siblings when they annoy her – she is quite the little miss.

    She is still totally adorable and lovely though – she gives me the best cuddles and she will sit with me for ages just letting me rub her and I am eating it up because it may not last much longer!! 😀 😀


    I feel your pain. DS3 is making DS2’s life a misery at the min – we even had to cut the wee lads hair to make it more difficult for DS3 to get a fistful… And he can let our the most merciless roars / screams when he wants his own way. What can I say? Attempt to distract or at least ‘adjust’ attention…. Ride out the storm!


    Oh its full on here….she is saying ‘Go away’ and ‘Leave me alone’ and crossing her arms and stamping her little feet and making very cross faces when she is mad.

    Its so adorable looking and can be quite funny – its hard not to laugh at her sometimes but its best not to laugh because this just makes her even more annoyed!!


    My little man has started to say no a lot lately and also trows things at me or his brothers. He is just over 2 and I try to ignore it as much as possible as I know is just another phase, but what I do is distract him immediately and explain what he did wasn’t good. Most of the time it works but if that doesn’t work I just take him and sit him down next to me and he’s not allowed to move unless I say so, also I try not to talk too much and over explain so he tries to talk me out of it, he tells me he loves me, he wants to give me a kiss but he still has to stay there 😀 .


    Last night our 2 year old threw a large plastic toy at my husband – god love him– he was sitting on his armchair wrecked after playing a football match when she caught him full on in the shin. I could tell she had hurt him (he leapt off the chair in shock!) and we had to reprimand her and explain this is not acceptable behaviour. Straight away she was so sad about it, she had her head buried in her arms hiding her face and she was on the verge of tears and wanted to hug me but I had to try and distance her for a minute to tell her what she did was wrong.

    Its not easy looking into a little face that just wants to kiss and hug you when you have to give out to them. She breaks my heart at times….

    I keep telling myself, this is just a phase…this is just a phase… 🙄


    Last night our 2 year old threw a large wooden toy at my husband – god love him– he was sitting on his armchair wrecked after playing a football match when she caught him full on in the shin. I could tell she had hurt him (he leapt off the chair in shock!) and we had to reprimand her andexplain this is not acceptable behaviour. Straight away she was so sad about it, she had her head buried in her arms hiding her face and she was on the verge of tears and wanted to hug me but I had to try and distance her for a minute to tell her what she did was wrong.

    Its not easy looking into a little face that just wants to kiss and hug you when you have to give out to them. She breaks my heart at times….

    I keep telling myself, this is just a phase…this is just a phase… 🙄


    Went on playdate with toddler (minus big bros) on Sun. He was angelic playing with another two year old. Made me think…

    Think part of problem is frustration of being a younger kid… wants to play with the older ones, but just annoys them, etc etc …. and the tension builds to an explosion (often vented at an innocent victim). Maybe they need to spend less time with the older kids & more with ones their own age….. Or am I nuts?


    Pookie I agree, I’ve noticed that too. My little one calls the other kids his age ‘babies’ lol and I know thats because he’s with his older brothers most of the time and doesnt realise how little he actually is but it’s funny to watch him try to do big boys stuff 😀

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