Went to see this movie… its a mans movie lots of guns, bombs, blood and guts. Heard lots of really really bad reviews but was surprised how good it was, i really enjoyed it…. maybe it was Jason Statham that make it easier on the eye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFFXGxhyRDo
Yeah is was funny in parts…. how did you think Sly and Rourke looked, i thought they looked really really well, well better then photos i’ve seen of them in magazines etc.
If your looking to get into your dh’s good books bring them to see this 😆 😆 😆
Ha we went to see this in newry on Fri nite n had aaron with us. Not sure what age it is down here but up there its 15 so instructed aaron ‘YOUR 15 OK!!!’…got in n JOe said 3 please…guy behind desk said eh what age are you to aaron…eh…15, whats your date of birth……eh d 5 of eh eh eh dec 19 eh eh 60……i jus fell around d place laughin!!! Went to see grown ups in d end!!!!!!!!!! Ha!