Next time I am going on holiday to Spain or UK, I am buying loads of medicines!! It may be a long time before I get a holiday again with the way things are but next chance we get to go away, I am stocking up because the cost of medicines in Ireland is still way too high.
For e.g. – My mother is on Lipotor, a cholesterol medicineand it costs her 24.50 here but when she goes to Spain, it costs her 4.40!!!!
My sister takes hayfever medicines and they cost a third the amount in Spain that they do in Ireland!!
I thought the cost of medicines in Ireland was supposed to come down ‘dramatially’ last year?? Well, it seems we are still being ripped off.
Even a bottle of Nurofen or Calpol is very expensive here – its almost 7 euro but in UK its 3 pounds.
I am so sick of being ripped off in this country.