I cannot stand ironing. Its such a tedious and boring job and no matter how much I do it (not that I do it that often to be honest!) I really do not like doing it. I often promise my husband all sorts of treats if he will do it instead…thats how much I don’t like doing it!
I had been using a not so great iron for past few years, needs a lot of fiddling about to get it on right settings for ironing difficult items etc. and takes a lot of pressure to get creases out.
Last week, I just tried a new iron from Philips, its the GC8520 and its really good, it takes some of the misery out of ironing. Its much faster than last one I was using as it does not need any adjustments when using it, it automatically adjusts to whatever fabric you are ironing. So you can from cotton to silk without any fuss or twiddling.
I still don’t like ironing but its not as bad when you have a good iron – this is the one I’ve been using incase anyone is looking for a new one, thought I’d give this a mention.
http://www.philips.co.uk/c/irons/perfec … 20_02/prd/