Hi all,
First of all, Lyndalucy I just wanna say congrats and I hope all goes well for you. It does give hope to the rest of us when we hear stories such as yours.
Everytime I lookup these boards I am more and more surprised by how many couples are having difficulty having a family, myself and hubby included. I am wondering just how many there are. I know I heard at one stage that 1 in 6 couples have difficulty concieving, but am wondering numbers for a reason. Is it time that we stood up and started to bring this whole issue to our clueless govt? I am seriously considering writing to each presidential candidate and telling them my story and starting to campaign ythe issue, but I am wondering about levels of support for the issue. (Mary Robinson did camapign for same sex couples, surely this is just as prominant an issue – and would capture a lot of votes for any interested candidate). What do ye think? or am I just fooling myself?