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  • #115492

    did you use a surrogate babyback?

    Yes, we used a surrogate in India.


    Hi all,
    First of all, Lyndalucy I just wanna say congrats and I hope all goes well for you. It does give hope to the rest of us when we hear stories such as yours.
    Everytime I lookup these boards I am more and more surprised by how many couples are having difficulty having a family, myself and hubby included. I am wondering just how many there are. I know I heard at one stage that 1 in 6 couples have difficulty concieving, but am wondering numbers for a reason. Is it time that we stood up and started to bring this whole issue to our clueless govt? I am seriously considering writing to each presidential candidate and telling them my story and starting to campaign ythe issue, but I am wondering about levels of support for the issue. (Mary Robinson did camapign for same sex couples, surely this is just as prominant an issue – and would capture a lot of votes for any interested candidate). What do ye think? or am I just fooling myself?


    There is a meeting on surrogacy next Saturday 21st at the Carmichael Centre in Dublin at 10.00am. there will be many couples there who have been through surrogacy, couples who are exploring going through surrogacy and some legal advisers.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Thanks for posting that, its great to know there is support for couples struggling through this.


    Hi there,

    We are a loving Irish couple hoping to find a surrogate woman in Ireland. If anyone is interested we would love to hear from you to discuss all of the details. Feel free to contact us on
    Thank You


    hi there
    we are a loving mrried couple looking for a surrogate to help us have a baby we have tried for 8 years with no luck
    so if you think you could help us please email me
    thank you.



    Hi to all,

    Myself and my husband are married nearly 10 years now but due to fertility issues have not been able to conceive. We are interested in going down the surrogacy route and would be interested in hearing from people who might be able to help us achieve this. If you are interested and in a position to help please contact us at;

    Thanks in advance. Christine

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Does anyone actually know someone who has managed to go through a successful surrogacy in Ireland? It still seems like a nightmare option for couples

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