Strictly Come Dancing….2010

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    Siobhán @ Mams

    The other addictive show in the run up to Christmas is back Friday night. Was not mad about the crazy opening show a few weeks back (very Dancing with the stars-ish) but like the dancing parts, so should be good from this week. Quite like Scott Marsden but not sure if he’ll be any good.

    Wonder how much tan Gavin Henson will be wearing LOL!!

    Michelle Williams from Destiny’s child should be good, looking forward to it.


    lol Sabbi i can’t wait! I get hooked every year – I don’t watch big brother x factor or any of the other reality shows but i am hooked on this every year even watch It Takes Two on BBC2 mon-fri! 😀 😀 😀


    I like this, ill record it and watch it after x factor.

    My mam loves it and anton and is DISGUSTED that he is with ann…..well cos obviously she will be shite hahahaha and he wont last long in the show…..gutted she is.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    My mam loves Anton as well, he’s her favourite, he must be the granny’s fave!! ha ha!

    I think Matthew is nice but don’t think hes in it this year?


    If my mam heard you call her a granny she would kill you 🙂

    Dunno sabbi. No eye candy on it this year for us ladies at all 🙁
    (and gavin henson does NOT count…..UGH!!!!)

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hes not a bad looking bloke but that ‘you’ve been tangoed’ look does nothing for me!! Wish he’s leave the tanning alone, it just looks wrong, reckon he’s more waxed, tanned and pruned than any girl I know 😆 😆


    Hes not a bad looking bloke but that ‘you’ve been tangoed’ look does nothing for me!! Wish he’s leave the tanning alone, it just looks wrong, reckon he’s more waxed, tanned and pruned than any girl I know 😆 😆

    i cant wait to see him… fell sorry for the guy. All his preening lost him his partner… they are saying he might get it on with the little one from corrie Tina something

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Strictly was great at the weekend – it was a good advertisement for ‘Positive ageing last’ which took place on last week; Thought Felicity Kendall & Pamela Stephenson were really good. If I am as nimble as them two when I’m in my 60’s I’ll be delighted!

    Not too sure about Anne Widdecombe or Paul Daniels dancing skills – or lack thereof – but fair play to them for giving it a shot. Can’t be easy and at least they went for it, they may not have been doing the right steps but it was entertaining.

    Really enjoyed it, some good new dancers in, should be a good season.


    yeah enjoyed it too Sabbi
    Didn’t like Paul Daniels – anne Widecomb while she’s not dancing as such was good entertainment. Gavin Henson wasn’t as bad as i expected but still can’t see him doing the latin. Matt Baker was good and Jimi and the girl Cara looking forward to sat!


    OMG poor anton having to put up with that ann one. It looked like he was dragging her around hahaha.

    Love Kara!!!


    Ah I like Anton aswell, think its unfair that he is always put with those who don’t have a clue!

    Gavin? Ughh, no thanks!! Scott isn’t too bad though!

    Felt sorry for Kara when she stumbled and then her dress got caught! Think she will do well.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    It was great last weekend…was fair that Paul went, he really has no rhythm, although fair play to him for trying.

    I feel so sorry for Gavin, he seems painfully shy. Poor bloke, he looks like he wants to run and hide most of the time, I hope he can come out of his shell a bit.

    Kara is great – she and Artem are apparently a couple now!! They have great chemistry.

    I like Scott, very cheeky.

    Peter Andre was a bit weird with his singing, could not really hear what he was singing but he gave the dancing a good shot. Pity he is so orange 😆

    Its entertaining though…


    When is this on? is it fridays or Saturdays…. its on BBC isnt it? Might start watching

    Did anyone see the photos of Kerry katona, she is going to be on dancing on ice in Jan and is skating everyday… she looks AMAZING!!! think she is about a size 8 now!!!!


    Its on Saturdays i watch this and tape x factor
    Im loving Scott, and Cara

    See brendons dad died so he is not going to be in it and has pulled out of the whole serious Ian is stepping in for him


    oh i’m loving this Heard about Brendan alright didn’t realise he had pulled out of the whole series – Ian is dancing with Michelle instead – to be honest prefer Ian
    It’s on Sat around 6ish and results show on Sunday at 7.30. I’m loving it takes two on BB2 Mon-Fri 6.30 – it’s actually more entertaining in ways than the actual show – it’s all interviews with the celebs & partners, the judges, fri they have a panel and discuss outfits music etc can also be very funny at times

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