stretch marks during pregnancy

Home Forums ASK THE EXPERT Skincare Expert stretch marks during pregnancy

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    We are always asked about how to prevent stretch marks. Although there is no absolute prevention the product we recommend is Elave baby oil which is rich and nourishing and easy to apply. Applying directly to the skin twice a day to deeply hydrate the skin on your bump and all over. Pay special attention to the tops of your legs which can be a danger area for stretch marks. When baby arrives it is perfect for mother and baby and is ideal for a quick baby massage after bath time.
    We hope you like it.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    I love this product, I have been raving about it for ages. My nan uses it too and she finds it great for dry skin. I am a bit late for trying to prevent stretchmarks (too many to get rid of after being pregnant so many timeas!) but it does leave my skin feeling soft and lovely and it is so reasonably priced and lasts for ages. A really good buy, highly recommend.

    another tip – it is great for taking off heavy eye make up and mascara! Don’t ask how I know that….

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