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    i was at dds parent teacher meeting today and some problems came up. since dd started talking she has being having problems with prenouncing her f’s and s’s and some other letters and with sounds. she is having problems with new situatins as well like if there doing out of routine in class. her teacher sugested some speech therapy for prenouceations. is there any good speech therapists in drogheda with out a waiting list the lenght of the wall of china?


    i’ve not had to be down that root but i’m sure some will help with advice here, but first contact the health centres….

    obviously not applicable…best of luck with her speech, and it’s great that others that have been through it can point you in the right direction…and best you can get help early rather than later…..hope she does well


    I went to my phn (health centre in ballsgrove) when i was worried about ds speech, She gave me the name and number of someone in Slane (private), didnt need to go in the end and sorry no longer have the number but you could ring them and ask.

    best of luck


    ill ring around and see. she missed 21 days in school with astma so no more days off for her.


    My DD used to have a probelm saying her Ps and Fs she used to say B eg like phone would be bone,football would be bootball etc,
    I corrected her every time she said it and made her say it slowly till she got it Id go private if you could because the waiting list in Drogheda is a disgrace they only have about 2 for the Louth


    i had my ds in speech therapy in through the phn, you dont do the letters like fff, you do long and short sounds, it doesnt sound like it would make a difference but it does……. I have a load of stuff here you can use, its easy to follow, a few minutes a day on them
    its only print outs from the 6 week course, they are fun games not nothing hard to do and it explaines each game iykwim…. im 99% sure i still have them, will look tomorrow. I i have them you can pm your address in i’ll drop up to you.


    ok thank you.


    You can do a self referral with the public system. You just need to contact the Clinic in the Laurences centre directly as thats were Speech Therapy dept is now. Their number is 041 9875700, your best bet is to ring in the mornings and ask to be put through to Speech theraphy dept. The waiting list is about 3 to 6 months as far as I remember but maybe as the teacher expressed concerns you might get seen quicker.

    Taylor is right about the sounds etc and you really only need to work at it for about 10 mins a day.

    If Taylor doesnt have her info anymore I might have some here so just let me know and I have a look for you.


    Sorry i didnt explain how it works last night it was sooo late… but different letters and sounds are front sounds and others are back sounds, this course i did was to make sure the children understood the principle of what is front and back, also what sounds are loooong and what are short…. i was "oh my dh understands long and short etc" but after doing this course the penny drop and he came on brilliant….. so it must have worked.

    its pictures of buses one long one short, bit of blue tac on them and cut out people, when they get a looong sound they stick their person on the long bus and if its a short sound they stick on the short bus…… believe me i was a sceptic at the start but it worked.

    Will root out later, this was all done in the Laurances health centre


    have that stuff, but missing week 1 for some reason…. very easy to follow, will give you a few tips when i drop them off, pm your address

    oh just for the record if you child says bup instead of bus you dont scold the child you just repeast "Bus" and so on… it takes bit of time but its fun so they dont even notice its work, 10 mins a day doing week by week (6 weeks) Do this work with her now but still put her down on the list through the laurances centre, by the time tha appiontment comes around she may not need it


    I’m trying to tackle this problem at the moment too girls and i’d love to get my hands on a copy of those sheets you mentioned too if possible? I’ll be ringing the Laurences centre this week to try get an appointment for dd but would love to start working with dd myself at home in the meantime so maybe if i could arrange to borrow the sheets and copy them off someone that would be great?

    dd seems to push her tonge forward to her front teeth in particular for s sounds, sounds very much like what i would consider to be classic lisp sound ifykwim.

    Thanks for all the info.


    Missysmum, Nicki didnt get back to me yet, i if you want i will drop to you and you can copy them. Its fun and even though you think "this isnt going to work" it does…. i thought it would be more like what sonia posted fuh fuh fuh etc Thats what i kinda wanted, but went along with this system and low and behold it worked for us!


    Thanks taylor that would be great, I’ll just get them copied and get them straight back to you for nicky.


    hey sorry for the late reply i got a book off my friend with work pages and 2 cds her little fella never said his words right untill they got this book in america it focuses on sounds and prenoucneation and there is alot of fun games to play. thanks taylor for the offer.

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