Snowing again!!

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    Cant belive its snowing again!! oh god when will it end, I have serious cabin fever, I think by the time this has cleard up im going to be 2 stone heavier :lol:


    lol me too….

    i don’t mind the snow, IF the roads were gritted and you could get out, but with roads been just left to rot really i’ve got cabin fever


    yes i love the snow to but the roads here are madness,it cud snow here all year round and it wudnt bother me if i cud get around ! havent drove in a week,have nothing in for santa cause if i send dh, im sure hed come home with the wrong stuff 😆


    I do love the snow myself, but am also sick of it at this stage… maybe I wouldn’t mind it as much if I didn’t have to go to work!


    Know how ye feel, ladies, even though I’m managing – JUST – to get out of the house.

    I’m 32 weeks pregnant & have two toddlers under 4 & a hubby overseas….. Getting out & about is a nightmare. It takes 20 min to travel 1 mile to creche, but I have a dodgy hip & need to offload the boys before I can do shopping etc.

    Then every so often I catch a glimpse of myself in a window: big bump, hiking boots, massive padded jacket. I’m only 5’2". I look like Humpty Dumpty. And I wadlle like a cross between the Michelin man & a gun-slinger with arthritis….

    This weather is seriously undermining my self-esteem!!! No wonder I’m reaching for chocolate!


    It’s lovely, nice, light snoflakes.
    It’s not that cold outside.
    Can’t wait for the morning and make fresh footsteps.
    At the same time really annoyed to be in East Meath where noone in county council cares about our dangerous, icy roads.



    Yip, looks lovely & pretty. I’ll agree there & if I was ‘bumpless’ I’d probably enjoy it more – but in my state it’s the ice / frozen slush hiding underneath the pretty whiteness that worries me.

    Friends in Germany get miles more snow each winter & have no bother, but they don’t seem to have this whole melting-refreezing-melting-refreezing business going on. Maybe our climate is just that bit more moist????

    Was on the internet to them this morning looking for hand-me-down snow clothes for kids – as it is very expensive if you can find it in small sizes! One more year of this & I’ll be getting winter tyres & snow chains as wel.

    Bought great snow boots for the boys on Sat in Outdoor Exchange in Dundalk (E40 – same as Clarks). They look like leather wellies with zips up the front, come half way up their calves, are padded like adult hiking boots & have great big thick soles with fab grip. At least their feet warm & dry. (Shoes & wellies just couldn’t do it). Very happy with them, esp when look out this evening….

    Can I recommend an Irish web-site called for fleeces, thermals for kids etc? Also sell some coats & waterproofs.


    Girls my brother lives up in Derry and they are in a terrible state, inches and inches of snow and thats whats on our way!!!

    I find tkmaxx great for boot, skiwear and thermals for both adults and kids.

    i got a tape measure about 10 o clock and it had been snowing about 4 hours….. well it was 6inches of fresh snow… our drive was cleared and so were the cars, didnt measure the height in the garden but say its 1.5 foot


    i have to get my self a pair of decent boots with a good grip on them went skidding tonight and done the splits when i was bringing the bins out my father was in tears laughing 😆 😆


    Sorry Nicky but thats very funny!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


    i know 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 i could not move with the laughter


    a youtube moment 🙄

    Did anyone see the clip on Sat or Sun on the 9pm news about the increased volume of paitents to the swift call clinic… showed a guy hopping in the door (looked like a twisted ankle) he was holding the door handle and the good leg went from under him, he was left hanging onto the door for dear life…… i was pee’ing myself laughing 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 im sure it on youtube… will have a look


    ill have a look now 😆


    cant find it but found this…
    This is like the scene everyday across from our house, but it goes on for 2 hours…. oh my neighbours van is now 100 yards away from his house, it has mounted the footpath and halfway on someones lawn!!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 … ature=fvwp


    looking out the window here in work & there is a lorry that has been stuck since I arrived an hour ago! He’s spent the last hour shoveling snow away from the tyres& moving a few inches then doing it again & moving another few inches…. funny to watch… not so funny for him tho i’m sure!!!!!!!!!!

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