Shoe fetish anyone?

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    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi all,

    I’m putting together a light hearted weeklycolumn for a local papercalled "Me and my…."

    I would like to do one called "Me and my shoe collection"

    anyone out there mad about shoes? wanna show off your stash to the readers of a local paper
    if so, contact me on

    Thanks,Siobhan (fellow shoe lover!)


    try pinkbabe she’s mad about her shoes….


    Yeah think Pink is the girl for you, dont think she has a thing for shoes but more for shopping

    Siobhán @ Mams

    I can’t believe no one has contacted me about this one yet…I thought I would be in undated with girls who have massive shoes collections (like me!!!)

    Don’t know how to find pinkbabe….if she or anyone else with a shoe fetish reads this please get in touch.

    As a shoe lover I would love to do a piece on someone local who has a fab shoe collection!!

    Thanks girls,


    I’ll pm pink on another site and tell her to look a this topic


    one of my mates has 100’s of shoes but i dont think (actually i know) she wouldnt be interviewed for the paper hahaha

    im a shoe person but defo nothing to write home about, prob about 50 pairs which is nothing compared to other people i know!


    50 😯 😯 😯
    I’ve about 20 if that, I HATE shopping so dont have much of anything

    Siobhán @ Mams

    thanks girls, I have shoes in 3 wardrobes in my house and still dont have enough. I thought it was more of an epidemic tbh!!

    now I feel a bit bad about how many pairs Ihave!!

    hopefully someone will contact me about this article, think it would be a nice one

    Thanks anyway,


    😀 thanks girlies… glad to see you haven’t forgotten me or my shoes 😳

    I have a major love for shoes & am running out of space for them but I am no longer local 🙁

    Buying shoes gives me a buzz probly because they always fit. My fav saying is … when I get tired of shopping, I sit down & try on shoes 😀


    I think I have a pair of shoes to match all my going out outfits!
    My daughter loves to clatter about in my hee hiles!!!!

    I love newlook shoes for a sat night out on the tiles. You can match shoes in there with almost any colour of outfit!

    Gimme Gimme Gimme shoes oooh I luv em! 😆


    Ha Ha – mine say Hee Hiles too! Funny!

    I love my shoes, for the same reason as Pink – coz they fit! But I’d have maybe 20 pairs stuffed in the dedicated shoe cupboard.

    I bought a lovely pair of gold wedges yesterday for a wedding, and then a gold bag to match – went to put them away only to discover 3 others in the cupboard, very similar in style that would have done the job. Just forgot all about them! They’re not going back though – too comfy!


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