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  • #11086
    Financial Companion

    Hi Folks, I was helping a neighbour last night to sort a broadband problem and have realised it’s more widespread than one might think! Their wireless broadband was unprotected or "non secure" as it often appears when you see the message "wireless networks are within range" when you turn on a laptop somewhere. There are 2 main implications from this, firstly, anyone within range (usually up to a couple of houses away or outside in a vehicle) can surf using your broadband which could put you over your download limit and incur an extra charge on your bill (this is what prompted the neighbour to look at it). What is probably more serious is the content someone could be downloading that will be identified as your IP address (e.g. child-sensitive material) try explaining that to the detectives! In addition, it would be theoretically easier for someone to hack into any stored information on your own computer this way! If yours is not secure (if you choose the "view wireless networks" option and look at your one out of the list), to add a security code, you need to go to the webpage of your wireless provider. For eircom, simply typle "" in the address pane, choose wireless on the left and then enable the code from there (it will usually give one automatically which will be the same one on the bottom of your router). for other providers, contact them and ask how to secure theirs. Hope this helps! :wink:

    While I’m on the topic, mobile phone voicemails….many people do not have their voicemail password protected (often the default 0000 is inplace) which means anyone can dial into their voicemail (just add a "5" after the prefix) and listen to or delete their messages or even change their recorded voicemail! (to prove a point to someone who did not think this possible, I changed her message to one that stated she had won the lotto and gone to the bahamas for a couple of months, she forgot to change it back and it caused great fun with friends and family! :lol: ) To set a code simply go into your mailbox settings and follow instructions from there :wink:

    Financial Companion

    Of course Biddy, the more people know, the better! 😉


    Hi there ,Thanks for that.I copied it to post it on our residents Fb page .Hope you dont mind ,Thanks.

    Financial Companion

    I’ve no idea how my reply got ahead of yours, but that’s grand 😉


    our wireless broadband doenst broadcast, it does the internet but if soemone else turned on there lap top it wont pick it up, it has to be done manually…. i pick up 3 of my neighbours signals


    i got the phone call today saying that i had a virus on my mircosoft computer and i need to listen to his instructions i just hung up the phone my laptop is apple mac and it has no mircro soft on it . we have no other laptops in are house.

    Financial Companion

    Nicky that’s a hoax call!! One of our neighbours got one as well.

    It goes for any call from someone you do not know, do not give out any information whatsoever. Ask them for their name and direct dial number and company and then hang up (and report them if necessary).

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