Hi, I have some books to sell all in excellent condition and not written on.If interested just pm and I’ll get them to you. Put new and 2nd hand price beside them.
1st year
SPHE Healthy Lifestyles €10.40/ € 5.00
Fonn 1 (Book, Workbook,CD) €23.95 / €11.00
6th Class
Ghosts, Secrets & Thieves €15.95/ €7.00
Reasons to Write 6 €10.40/ €5.00
A way with words 6 € 8.60/ 4.00
5th Class
Inis Dom 5 10.60/ 5.00
Earthlink 5th Class(Book only, workbook 10.00/ 5.00
available to buy separately)
Treo Nua 5 15.25/ 6.00
Toadstools Tricks & Aliens Anthology 14.95/ 7.00
Treasury Core Skills in English E 8.30/ 4.00
Action Maths Fifth Class 15.40/ 7.00
4th Class
Action Maths Fourth 14.40/ 7.00
Earthlink Activity Book 4th 9.00/ 4.00
3rd Class
Action Maths Third 14.40/ 7.00
Trolls Squirrels and Dragons Anthology 12.95/ 6.00