Quitting Smoking

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    Started a new thread about this as I don’t want to Hijack what the woman from Lawrences Gate is doing , as its obviously what she feels is the best way for her to go and best of luck to her.

    Just wanted to add my own story I was a heavy heavy smoker for many years , towards the end of my smoking life I would probably smoke 40 plus a day..I was so bad I used to smoke in the shower.

    5 smokes before I even started work at 9a.m.

    Got pregnant.
    Stopped, just like that..cold turkey..2 days I was fine.

    If its in your head you can do it witohut any artificial aids.
    If I could do it I swear to God anyone could..I ate smokes..
    Never smoked since.
    Best of Luck.


    I wish I had the mindframe to do it….i really do!!!!
    Stopped when I was pregnant too but went back on them 🙁

    Im hoping my trip to NY will help me as there are hardly any places you can smoke there!! In saying that its only about 7-8 a day for me…………………never ever 40, wouldnt even know where to find the time for that hahahaha


    You would be surprised what I would have been doing at the times I was smoking …some times would fit in 60 when I was an alcholic as well 😆

    We bought our house from stopping cigs…

    Mad thing is I never miss them.

    Ah 7a day why bother stopping. 😆


    Im off them nearly 2 years. But would sooooooooo love one. Do the cravings ever really go


    You would be surprised what I would have been doing at the times I was smoking …some times would fit in 60 when I was an alcholic as well 😆

    We bought our house from stopping cigs…

    Mad thing is I never miss them.

    Ah 7 a day why bother stopping. 😆

    I was the very same smoked 40 a day 60 with a few drinks, i used the money to buy my first brand new car and many many other things…. 15 years later, i still save my smoking money

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Taylor – can’t imagine you smoking?? You’re such a fitness freak these days LOL!!!

    Imagine all the money you would save but guess thats not the motivation for lots of smokers. My mum had a health scare 3 years ago and she quit. She has smoked for 40 years and I really never thought she would stop. I am so proud of her. She has found it tough sometimes but has managed to get through it.

    Good luck Susan from Laurence Town Centre we are all rooting for you 😉


    God so not a fitness freak now, but would you believe i was then… i swam 50 lenghts if not more a day, done down hill mountain biking, cycled everyday in work, walked miles everyday in work…. i was about 7 stone (but was only in my teens/ early twenties) soaking wet, but the think is i was always on the go, ate on the go and smoked non stop….. my old friends still offer me a cig if we ever meet up, they just cant get it into their heads i dont smoke anymore 😆 😆 😆 😆


    Hi All

    I have tried to stop smoking about 8 times to no avail and I have also tried all the tricks in the book.

    My father and brother both smoked up to 100 cigarettes per day and through threats from my mother i.e. eviction from the house they both got acupuncture done and it worked. My mum reckoned that because it worked from them that it may be in the genes and I should give it a try. I did not want to get involved in aids such as chewing gum, the inhaler. Fergal the pharmacist in Boots agreed with me as I believe their are several people addicted to the chewing gum now.

    I wish you had come on the thread and shared your tips and secrets with me for the craving, the ANGER management. My staff in the centre have told me that If I stay off them for 6months that they will all give it a go together, so if by my posts I have encourgaged even one person to do this well its something.

    Thanks again for all of your support
    Laurence Town Centre

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