Hi Tracey…
I’m hoping you can help me shed a little light onto my situation!
I’m 5wks pg with baby #3. Both my other children were born on the public system in Letterkenny. I’ve just recently moved to Bettystown, and I’m trying to figure out how to do things here.
I have just contacted the OLOL, and discovered that I don’t qualify for MLU (as I’m RH-, with antibodies… discovered in my last pg). I’m a bit reluctant to go public again, as unfortunately, my bloods need to be monitored throughout, and i’m worried about being seen by a different doctor every time. So, I’m looking into the private option (I do have family plan plus cover with VHI)… but obviously the consultant’s costs are a bit tough…. and I’ve been told that OLOL hospital doesn’t offer the semi-private option.
Do I have any other options that I am unaware of…. that won’t cost the earth?