Potty training – arghhhh!!

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    Oh the joys…..

    We are trying to get our toddler out of nappies, she just turned 3 and is not at all interested in this venture!!

    We have to do it, she starts play school properly in September. Hopefully in the next few days it will click with her…grant me patience!!!!


    They say girls are easier 😆 😆 😆 Just stick at it, it will come together, offer the potty every 15 mins or so….
    My ds2 was showing great intrest a while back, telling me wee wee and yucky poo…. i was going to start him at 20months. Eh, No not going to even try now as his intrest is going, roll on 6 to 12 months

    Did you do the buy your pretty new knickers? Maybe the stickers on the bottom of the potty



    i was recently successful with dd and it was just before her 3rd birthday and it was my third attempt! neither of us were ready until the 3rd time round!

    you know yourself they wont be rushed, just take your time, take the pressure off, and keep trying every now and then!

    it will eventually happen.
    good luck!


    😀 Oh, there is certainly no manual for that one. They are all different. They say that babies will go to the loo within 20mins of having a drink – not sure how much that changes by 3. Why don’t you try giving her a drink, so that she actually needs the potty – then give her 10mins or so and try her on the potty. Once she gets the idea, hopefully, she will want to keep trying.


    going through this too at the moment with our little boy, not to say he’s so laid back that we’ve had a few accidents but not as much as i thought…yet!
    he’ll be 4 in sept and he has to be trained by then or he can’t stay in the playschool under the childcare allwence rules
    he likes going on the potty but screams if he goes near the toilet 🙄
    hopefully by sept we’ll be a bit further on….btw the saying that girls are easier is crap….my dd was a terror to train 😆
    still have 2 others to do after him 😯


    We are getting there…she does like the potty, will not go on it at all and we did not want to force her so we just put her straight on to the toilet and she’s happy enough with that.

    We’ve had a few accidents but yesterday and today she came to tell me when she wanted to go pee pee and she went fine on the toilet. She even went in my mams house too so thats good progress in a week.

    Few mishaps but thats to be expected. I reckon by September, she’ll be on top of it.

    Phew…glad it Friday, Monday and Tuesday were rough but day by day its getting that bit easier. She’s such a tiny little thing, its funny watching her climb onto the loo but if thats what she’s comfortable with, then thats fine with us. She’s very independent and strong willed anyhow so no point arguing with her (wonder where she got that from!!??) 😳


    I wonder ❓ Blame her granny 😆 😆 😆

    Great to hear its starting to go well, keep it up


    Going through the same wit my 2.5 ds,he is doing really well when we r at home he even washes his hands when he is done but if i put clothes on him or even jus a pair of pants when he lets me put them on he jus wets himself even tho i keeep askin him if he needs to go wee wee,so i havin got to the stage of bringin him out without the nappy i bought the trainin pants but he jus uses them as nappies n wnt tel me when he needs to go wee wee,any suggestions?


    no sorry no suggestions but just wanted to say good luck and i hope it goes ok
    ds is doing good so far with doing wee wee’s in the potty, he’ll tell me if he needs to go but still no luck with the poo situation….when he does something in the potty his sisters say "very good boy logan", so he’s very happy 😆


    im de same wit the poo if ds needs to go he wants the nappy on i try to get him to go on potty but if he says no i wnt push him to much i suppose he wil do it when he is ready,gud luck to u 2 joeyrudd 🙂


    thanks twinkle good luck to you and your ds too, hope they both get the hang of it soon


    All Done!!! Yah!!!

    She has turned into a little super star all of a sudden.

    She decided she did not like the potty that much so took to the toilet no problem. She was doing pee pee within a few days and had barely any accidents. The poo was a bit tougher to sort out, she was holding it in and we had to put a nappy on her a few times, as she was in pain, but after much gentle coaxing, she finally did it on the toilet and once she had done it and realised there was nothing to it, she got into the swing of things fairly quickly.

    We left her with my mam last week while hubby & I headed off for few days for our anniversary and was worried about how she would get on but she was grand. We were sitting in Westport, worrying ourselves about her and there was not a bother on her!! Typical….we worry, they’re fine!!

    So it seems every child is different and patience is definitely required (in bucket loads) but they get there in the end!

    We’re delighted with her now, we went to Tipperary at the weekend and only had to stop once with her. She’s a proper little girl now….no more nappies.

    For the 1st time in 7 years, there are no babies or toddlers wearing nappies in our house. Cue big case of broody feelings on my part!


    well done to your dd and you too, stressful time this potty training thing.

    i kept getting told that i’d be in for the long haul training ds but he’s away flying with this big boy thing, couldn’t get him to even go near the bath room a few months ago he would scream like mad if you tried it, then we sat him on the potty because he wouldn’t sit on the toilet but because of him watching the boys and girls in his creche do it he tried it and now i have a hard time getting him off it 🙄
    now i have about 2yrs till i’m finished with nappies altogether


    2 years Joey! How old is your youngest?


    My little madam was the same Sabbi, she kept holding in the poop and was in bits from it. She even got an infection from it and was very sick, our GP and myself had a massive chat with her about it and when Dr. Sile explained to her that she would be "all better" if she pooped in the toilet, she listened. We always make a big deal of it when she does it in the loo now and she loves that. My sister also gave her a "Potty Caddy" kit for her birthday. It has loo roll, a little book on training with songs to learn in it about toilet training (very funny), anda wall chart with reward stickers to hang in the bathroom. She loves getting stickers for her efforts. Now she even goes to the bathroom on her own and calls for our assistance afterwards. I was dreading the whole potty training but I’m very thankful it’s all over now. Night training is next, really dreading that. Arrgghhhh all over again.

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