Planning to lose a few pound, anyone else?

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    Hi there,

    Not a new topic here but planning to lose a few pounds before xmas – anyone else?

    Was giving myself until dd was six weeks old which is next week, so better get myself all set to go.

    Not sure what to do, i suppose weight watchers worked for me in the past, so probably the best idea – anyone tried any other slimming clubs? How do they compare to weight watchers?

    I hate Gyms so thats not an option, i suppose i will have to get back to walking.Im dreading it as im so unfit.

    Ahhhhhh- have to keep reminding myself "Nothing feels, like skinny feels".

    I will never be skinny (wouldnt want to be either) but just want to be fit & get back into my clothes – nothing fits me at the moment.



    Def on for this – After Wednesday i will get serious
    My sister will be home on hols from sun to wed – then serious stuff

    I plan to go to Aqua- aerobics on fridaymorning – cut out all the sweet things and wine

    Need to drink more water and exercise so unfit

    I have done the gym / ww / – i have the ww books – start counting the points again

    I love the encouragement you get on this site 😀 😀 😀


    i dropped my diet and exercise over the summer, so really need to get into it all again…. im starting monday and if i dont will one of you girls track me down and slap me!!! lol


    i am doing slimming world its great , how about we set an aim , like a stone gone for christmas ? what do you think ?


    i joined WW in BCH 2 weeks ago and have lost 4.5 lbs so far!! He reminded us the other day that there are 17 weeks to xmas!! Hilarious but a very achievable 1lb weight loss a week between now and then.

    I’ve done ww loads of times and never worked for me, but did Motivation 3 years ago and lost all my extra weight and got fit etc but then when I got pregnant I lost my fitness so I want to get this back. I know WW will work this time because I learned what to do in Motivation clinics.

    Good luck girls!!

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi Girls,

    I’ve been a total lazy sod all summer and need to get back into shape too. I am not into the gym and am not willing to give up chocolate completely, so must get back into exercising.

    At the beginning of this year some of us went to Funtasia for roller skating in the evenings and this was great fun and a great workout, would anyone else fancy giving this a shot?

    Also, I want to try the Zumba class in Lab Fitness, they seem to have a range of interesting, fun classes so a good way to tone up without the boredom. Anyone fancy this?

    How about Tuesday evening in Lab Fitness for Zumba????

    Siobhán @ Mams

    By the way – Mary – I thought you looked great last week at the coffee morning. No need for you to worry about losing weight, you look lovely 🙂

    But if you want to do some exercise, maybe we can all get into it together and spur each other on….


    I will second Labfitness, havent done a tap all summer and ate like a lord!!! I took Laura up on her FREE class this morning and im not joking i nearly died 😆 😆 😆 Its a BRILLIANT WORKOUT and it feel full of energy now…
    I was going to join Aura but after my visit back to labfitness it reminded me about what i love about the place….. great music, high tempo work outs and Laura there to drive lazy asses like me on.
    Im going back next week to do Taebo on tues and BLT (Bum, legs, tummy.. i think) on Thursdays…. looking forward to getting back into it.

    Also im putting my ds1 down for the Dance class with Carol on Fridays at 4pm, She is the girl who does the Zumba and it brilliant with kids… ds cant wait


    hi girls…

    good on all of you that want to look and feel better!..being a new mammy myself i know how hard it can be to find the time to look after yourself with a baby and /or kids.

    As a qualified fitness instructor and nutritionist i would like to point out a few things that over the years I’ve seen many people doing in Ireland (i’m from Spain), to make losing weight a bit easier:

    1. Going to ww, unislim, lypotrim..or any other diet it is great as long as you are planning to keep it up for life. I’ll elaborate: as we get older, and women in particular, our metabolism slows down, which means losing weight gets harder the older we get. However there are some things we can do to help it speed up and others to actually slow it down even more.

    Yo-yo dieting it is probably the single worst thing we can do to slow it down. All of a sudden your body is taking in less calories so it learns how to cope with all your daily activities with those less calories..then 3 weeks later we have a bad week and end up having lots of take aways and rubbish, but we plan to restart on monday again….

    those changes in your diet confuse your metabolism and every time we do this it keeps getting slower, which means we put on weight more easily and it gets harder to lose it.

    2. Yo-yo exercising: this is exactly the same as above.

    So my advice: have a balanced nutritional diet with enough calories so you have enough energy to exercise.
    Allow yourself the treats you like…but be clever as when you eat them… i have an awful sweet tooth and can eat a whole packet of jammie dodgers in 10 min 🙂 but when i do that i make sure is the day i have lots of cadio classes, so i will be able to burn it off… on sundays (my day off from exercise) i try to be very good with my diet.
    Balance is the key.

    Regarding exercise, i’ve read that many of you have mentioned ‘i hate the gym’… find a different activity you enjoy..they key to sticking to an exercise programme is enjoyment.. if you dont like the treadmill try a class, or maybe join the local running club, or get a fitness dvd… keep trying stuff til you find something you like.

    i know some of you may think this is hard to achieve and doing a quick diet will get rid of the weight…but have a think of the long term damage that is doing to your body and your health…..

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about diets/exercise and i will be more that delighted to help.



    At the beginning of this year some of us went to Funtasia for roller skating in the evenings and this was great fun and a great workout, would anyone else fancy giving this a shot?

    Also, I want to try the Zumba class in Lab Fitness, they seem to have a range of interesting, fun classes so a good way to tone up without the boredom. Anyone fancy this?

    How about Tuesday evening in Lab Fitness for Zumba????

    I loved the Zumba Sabbi, I will be deffo getting back into it once I have the babs in Jan, i also enjoyed the rollerskating. I miss doing my excercise, but just dont have the energy for it at the moment, looking forward to next year 😆


    I like the skating but my ass didnt…. ouch!!!! 😆 😆 😆

    I wouldnt do much at the weekends (or summer) and i would have my treats on Saturday ie watching xfactor etc…. need to time the treats better, make sense when you think about it 🙄


    Im also trying to loose weight and started in earnest last Monday. Have cut out all the junk which i was tucking into daily. Also smaller portions. Drinking more water and eating more fruit. My snacking consists of 3 dried apricots or 3 dried prunes (have a very sweet tooth also laura !) I am a member of Aura and whilst its a good gym i have zero motivation and would much prefer a brisk walk – so on the mornings that dd is in playschool i will be taking ds in his buggy for a major walk – would love to shed a stone by christmas 🙄


    Sabbi, thanks for the kind words. Id just love to be back to a comfortable size 12 for Christmas>

    What is Zumba classes? Never heard of it.

    Id defo be on for the roller skating if anyone else is – Im free Tuesday & Wednesday nights?


    MaryE Zumba is salsa, its upbeat and its only a few steps per song, so you just repeat, very very easy to learn and great fun! I used to come out Soaking with sweat, you didnt really notice the workout as it so much fun.

    Beams i’d be up for a brisk buggy walk now ds1 is in school, i was going to join Aura but i would give myself the workout that i get at Labfitness… i was only going to join Aura for the pool, sure i go to BCH for the kids swim that will do me for a bit


    Beams, if working out is not your thing but you like walking, try adding ankle and wrist weights to your walks…they will make you burn a good few more calories that walking alone.

    MaryE.. as Taylor said Zumba salsa is simply an aerobics class salsa based… it uses the principle of interval training (which briefly means working at different intensities constantly so you target more fat burning that simple aerobics). That class is on every tuesday at 8pm.

    Regarding shifting weight, remember if you lose more than 1 pound per week, it is highly possible that what you are loosing fluid and muscle… as shifting a pound of actual fat is considered to be very difficult and can only be achieved through cardiovascular exercise and a controlled diet.

    Once again girls, if you have any questions regarding your diet or your exercise regime please ask… it’s my mission to educate people on how to diet and exercise i’ll be delighted to get innundated with questions 😀

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