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    Hi everyone,

    I just thought i would say hello. Im a 28 year old first time mum from Castleknock in Dublin. My son Dylan is now 10 months old and i love him to bits. The last few months have been hard as i am the first out of my circle of friends to have a child and unfortunately the lack of understanding and support i got from them seems to have put some of my friendships under strain . I am recovering from post natal depression and havent got the support of my family either. it was a really tough few months and i wouldnt have got through it only for my fiance. he was amazing. I would love to get to know some other people with babies and children to share our experiences of motherhood and other shared interests. It looks like a really good place to chat and has a really warm and welcoming vibe.

    I am looking forward to getting to know everyone:)
    Dylansmum xx

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi Dylansmum,

    I think I can understand some of what you are feeling. When I had my 1st son, I was living 40 miles away from my family and none of my friends had babies – so even though they thought they knew, they really had no clue what I was going through.

    We had some feeding & sleeping niggles when he was small and this caused me to worry so much that I had a touch of PND myself. I felt really isolated and also, kind of ashamed, I was so happy to be a mum but I felt like I was doing a rubbish job and I felt no one understood what I was going through. So I stayed quiet about it for ages

    Fast forward 7 years and I am now a mum of three and I can assure you, it does get easier! I moved closer to my family when I was pregnant with my 2nd child and also have lots of friends who also have babies now. When they had their babies they finally understood what it was like and I ended up being a shoulder for some of them to cry on when they were having rough days or in some cases, a few rough weeks.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is – you are not the only one who feels like this. It is more common than you know and by posting this message, you have taken a really positive step towards letting out your feelings and getting some support.

    Well done for posting it – can’t have been easy.

    There is loads of chat on here but also some good sections like the ‘events’ ‘activities’ and ‘ask the expert’ above; so if you feel like having a browse in there, I’m sure there will be lots to keep you busy.

    Do you go out much with your son? When I lived in Dublin 15 I used to go to parent & baby swim at the NAC, it was a great way to meet other parents. Also, check out the noticeboard at your local supermarkets and health centre to see if there are any parent & baby groups, its great to get out and be with other parents & babies. Things like Jo Jingles classes etc are fun and a way to do something with a group.

    Hope that helped a bit and really hope you enjoy Mumstown.

    Happy chatting 😀


    Hi Sabbi,

    Thanks a million for your reply. Its so nice to hear other peoples stories and know you are not alone. I can relate to what you said about feeling isolated. i have felt that way too and we are hoping to move down to galway soon to be near my fiance’s family. I get out for a walk every day with Dylan and our dog . I did baby massage for a couple of weeks but unfortunately Dylan was a little too old and wouldnt sit still so i didnt continue. I am planning to join a mother and baby group soon:) Imake a point of meeting up with friends at weekends and getting out as a family and i think it really helps. I will definitely keep an eye on the local notice boards. Thanks for that. Im glad things are going good for you now. You must have your hands full with three kids. we are planning for baby no 2 next year after we get married. very exciting, i cant wait!

    Dylansmum 🙂

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