National organic week….do you grow your own?

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    We’ve been toying with the idea of a vegetable patch in the garden for ages but never seem to get around to doing anything about it.

    As its national organic week, think might plant a few things

    what would be good to plant now at this time of year?


    I would think some veg would grow this time of year..carrots maybe..parsnips..Brussel Sprouts? Just have a google.

    Try and make a raised bed for growing veg in.. easier to weed etc..

    All the family in England grow their own veg in garden..
    Don’t forget you can grow your own spuds/ carrots etc just in big buckets of soil if u don’t want to dig up garden


    Aha…think I’ve found some more helpful tips here… … 4wodiTaRHw


    yes we do have an allotment and have a little patch in the garden….

    will ask the fil what’s best to plant now…..but growing your own tastes so much better than bought veg


    Id love to do this!!! But I only have a small garden and dont want to dig any of it up.
    How would one go about getting started considering im not green fingered at all!!???

    Would love to do courgettes, carrots and green beans???


    We got it together this year… Bought a PVC Glasshouse (safer when you have kids than real glass) from Argos and made up Raised Beds from Decking.

    We planted Tomatoes (which came in big time – made heaps of Bolognese Sauce in the end with them) Green & Red Peppers which are ripening now, massive in size – I’m impressed with them. We got loads of Strawberries and 1 Aubergine, which caused a bit of confusion, I didn’t know what to do with it, lol… lots of cooking books researched!

    I planted a Pumpkin in the Glasshouse and it took over, tried to strangle everything else in it, I ripped it out about a fortnight ago, loads of flowers but no sign of a pumpkin growing on it. Found out since, you should never plant them inside….

    In the raised beds, we planted Runner Beans, a big crop of them that we’re still working through. We got one dinner’s worth of pea’s – didn’t plant enough. Our Cabbagaes, Curly Kale and Cauliflower were taken over by White Butterflies and their caterpillars and literally eaten away… so that was a learning curve. And our carrots are just coming ripe now and they are lovely.

    We thought we were late planting and as its the first year it wasn’t a bad crop.

    September Planting…. Garlic (from garden centre – supermarket garlic will grow but can introduce disease), Spring Onions, Turnips, Rocket and spring cabbage.

    BBC Gardening Tips


    Yummy get a handy fella in your family to make you a raised bed somehwere sunny in your garden..won’t ruin your garden as much


    Yummy get a handy fella in your family to make you a raised bed somehwere sunny in your garden..won’t ruin your garden as much..

    You can always grow veg in big tubs/ buckets

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