[size=150]hiya site looks well altough have to agree re size of text.
like taylor says can’t see pm either or my inbox
and the "post since last visited" was a godsend always went straight there – can’t see that either.
what are we like moaning etc BUT it’s all constructive critisim!!!!!!! 😆 [/size]
Taylor, I pm’d you to test it. Did it not come through? The format is a little confusing but I use it on another forum and I promise, you’ll all be used to it in no time. It also helps that I have a HUGE monitor 😆 😆
I found my inbox but I can’t remember where and can’t find it again. Try pm’ing someone and I think you get an option to go to it afterwards…
I love the extra interactive content on the site but I dislike the new style chat board it isnt a relaxing to use and it is way too small. The previous one was much better I am afraid.
Kind of find the whole site very squashed together now with too much text.
Have to be honest and say I prefer the old style mumstown sorry x
I didnt like it at first but love it now, the content is great and I love the weather forecast, I got some great ideas in games and activities
***** I got your pm thanks, I’ll pm you now so you can find you inbox….. mine is fine now, its up beside FAQ, Search, Memberlist etc… You have no new messages is what you look for