Mums in Drogheda Independent

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  • #2507
    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi all,

    There will be a new weekly colum in Drogheda Independent vocalising local issues of concern.

    Do you have any issues you would like raised?

    Hospital services, transport concerns, childcare issues, anything at all.

    please feel free to contact me at or 041-9888651 or 087-9978418 – or you can reply here!


    Siobhán @ Mams

    hi all,

    mums are usually so vocal…looking forward to all your suggestions!

    Don’t be shy….



    If you get me started on the traffic i wont stop!!!!

    For starters the traffic around schools and even HGV’s driving past schools in the morning is disgraceful!!! People abuse the lollipop ladies and near run them over cos where they have to be is more important than the lives of the children she is helping to cross the road.
    The windmill road needs to be made one way ASAP, there is no getting up or down it in the morning or evening and i feel for the peole who live on it.

    The M1 toll needs to be lifted for the people living in drogheda as it may relieve the traffic congestion on the town and also why should us residents pay €1.80 to use a 5 mile stretch of road to get to one side of the town to the other, its just pure madness!!!

    Rant over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    can i suggest something???
    go through the posts i you will find plenty of topics 😆 😆
    but i am sure girls won’t dissapoint:)))
    as for me: bus stops, bus timetables – non exsistent. i live quite a distance from town centre and it was hit and miss with getting the bus. you have to know where the bus stops IYKWIM and what time it arrives


    oh another one…………………… poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i mean where is the litter warden to fine these people who let there dog poo and dont scoop it up, i bet them poop a scoop bins are barely used!!!!!!!

    also no toilet facilites at the playground and insufficient parking at it too.

    Look what u started hahaha!


    and lack of ramps on termon abbey estate… 👿 👿
    gards would make a fortune if they would set up a speed check point here….
    hopefully with new school being buitl they put the ramps…


    kasia are you from termon abbey ❓




    so am i 😀


    Hi Kasia

    Im from termonabbey also and it disgraceful how fast cars and lorries fly around our estate especially from Aston Village to termonabbey. There have been several kids knocked down in the 5 years here..

    I would love to see the police set up a check point for all those who have no insurance on their cars and also a speed check point every so often.. The gards should get a percentage of the fine and that would giv them an incentive to catch them..

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Great girls, well not great really, its awful that we have these problems but thank you all for sharing. ill be highlighting all these concerns over the coming weeks in the column.

    Interesting about the toll bridge, if we could use it for free it would ease the congestion for sure…thats a great idea, I’ll get onto a local TD about that one, see what his response is

    and about speed ramps and cameras and insurance – all very valid concerns. ones I share as a parent to small children myself – especially my little guy who cycles his bike like a demon outside our house. i live in terror that he’ll be knocked down. will be harassing the council for speed bumps…

    thanks – please keep your suggestions coming.



    The whole town could be made more child friendly.. the choices of child friendly restaurants are very scarce.. this always maddens me more after I have been to my sister and brother in the UK – nearly everywhere over there cater for children – from proper changing rooms to play areas in restaurants etc.

    And as Yummy said, no toilet facilities at the playground, its ridiculous!


    speaking of traffic and termonabbey, you know the termonfeckin road just before termonabbey they need traffic lights there too have you ever tried to cross that road, its crazy no one slows down or stops for you especially if you have children
    there’s a school there, why aren’t there any traffic lights outside it?

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