We are posting this to every page on the dissussions boards as we are desperately looking for mothers and fathers to help us.
PACUB last year collected 15000 signatures against cuts to child allowance. This year it is more serious, as none of us can afford to take anymore cuts that willl effect our children. I for one am fed up of the goverment taking taking taking. I for one have nothing else to give (I am not alone with this)….there is only so many time we can readjust our budgets to bail out the banks, or prop up a goverment that are doing nothing to help people like you or me that are struggling to bring up our families. We are not asking for more benifites from our goverment, we are saying NO to more cuts….we are saying we recieve no other help in bringing up a faimly in Ireland, we are saying we can not accept cuts to education and health for our children.
This year there are cuts on the table of another 10%, could be more, to child allowance…
Our plan is to get 100 mothers or fathers that are willing to spend ther next two weeks getting signatures to show our anger, to show that we have no more to give to a goverment that has shown little in terms of job ceation. We have to aim high here to get our voices heard….I for one will fight tooth and nail for my family as we have nothing more to give.
If 100 people got 1000 signatures (Or as many as possible) we will reach our target….If we can get more than 100 people to help that is even better! stand outside schools, your local shop, the GAA, get your friends and family to help. If we STAND TOGETHER we can do this but alone we will not be heard.
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