Mother murdered in Howth by intruder!

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    That poor lady was murdered in her own home by some scumbag robber looking for a quick score! Girls what is this world coming to! :x That mother was in her own home like most of us just getting on with her day and her daughter had just gone to school and her hubby gone to walk the dog. Very sad and with a week to christmas. :(


    This is awful and pretty dam scary…I literally just found out this morning that she is a sister of a client of ours..v sad for the family. RIP


    Yeah, very sad alright.

    Murder has become so common place in Ireland that it is frightening.

    I wonder who was the witness who saw a man running from the Scene?

    Sounds a bit suss, really hope that i am wrong & hate even saying this, but could it have been a story made up by the husband?

    I’d say that there is a lot more to that story. Houses are usually robbed by more then one person, balaclavas are not usually worn either, as burgulars are trying to blend in not look suspicious.

    Maybe i watch too much CSI but i just don’t get it.


    it does sound like the rachael o rielly case 😥 😥


    a little late… But it was her husband who killed her.. B*****D!!!


    I know its a shocking case, but she put up one hell of a fight and had hair and skin from her dh under her nails. God love that poor teenager left without a mother of a father.

    What about the mother and two kids (7 and 2) murdered in there beds on xmas morning! What is the world coming to?

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