MMR – yes or no ?

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    My little one is due injection soon. my brother has austim and parents feel there could be a link to injection so i really dont know what to do.

    any advise?


    to be honest i’m not so sure about the link with autisim and injection, i have never read up on it, have heard it but never looked into it….both my kids will get the full injections my ds1 is due the final part and ds2 is half way through, the reason why i got them done was coz i was done as a baby etc etc and just something that got done….never really thought much to behonest, sounds perhaps mad but i just did it without thought, perhaps speak to your doc regards it pros and cons and then decide, most kids get it now with no side effects, but again i can only speak from my experience….good luck with your decision and i’m sure many more big decisions to make throughout your child’s life.
    sorry not much help.


    I think it is has been reported that the original "findings" which linked autism to the MMR have been proved to be based on very flimsy evidence. I would feel that it is a lot more dangerous to leave my child unprotected from Measles Mumps and Rubella which can cause deafness and even kill. I have had all my children vacinated and wouldn’t hesitate if I was you.


    Agree with Bookwitch HTH


    Most of controvery going on in uk when i lived there, dr andrew someone raised the concern, and subsequently was found to be in the pay of a (research?) oranisation who stood to benefit if the combined jab was discredited in any way, and so effectively he was thought to be couldn’t be impartial I think – DISCLAIMER – THIS IS ALL HAZY RECOLLECTION.

    dd had it there, no prob, but a contemporary of hers who’s uncle had autism was given it in 3 sep jabs as a precaution, a route i think circumvents what was being suf=ggested as the potential cause of the link to autism.

    I’d google MMR controversy Dr Andrew… something like that annd see if you can get any more concrete info from more reliable sources than me!

    HTH, not muddies the waters further!


    barbara, i agonised over this decision too for both of my sons, but on balance, felt that this benefits outwayed the risks. that said, i waited until they were 15 months, and also left a good gap since their last antibiotic. the reason for this is that the concerns raised in the "dodgy" study linking the vaccine to autism seemed to relate to existing problems in the gut. this is my own interpretation, and is probably nonsense 😆 but it made me feel a bit more in control as i know that antibiotics are hard on the stomach.

    hope this helps


    Well it is a very hard one to call on my own experience our daughter had to be hospitalised after her 2mth vacination and it took both of us over 10 weeks for her to return to herself.
    She had a severe reaction to it and to this has had no more vacinations.

    I have done alot of research on the vacinations and what goes into them and for me it is a no at least I know my daughter is safe and it is well worth going on thewebsites and reading up on what the vacinations are made from it would make you think twice about putting mecury into your childrens systrm for me it is a personal reason my little baby nearly died and the doctors couldn’t give me an explanation to what happened or to why it happened was just told it was a bad batch.


    ah sexylady sorry to hear that your little one wasn’t well after the injections.

    both my boys have had the injections and the one is now 4, the other one will be 1 next week – 4 year old all ok after them and so far the almost 1 year old has been fine! again, I feel more safe getting them done rather than the little ones contracting these terrible illnessess that can lead to deafness or even death…..I feel more at ease knowing that they have had them and I hope that they will be protected from this!!!


    Sexylady very sorry to read that about your little ones reaction to the vacine….

    Barbara I would get the MMR as Trudylynch said if you dont some of the illnesses can cause brain damage, deafness (my cousin is stone deaf from measles) blindness and so on.
    I did wait until 16 months with my ds1 and hope to wait until 18 months with ds2, would have waited this long on ds1 but my gp said that there was an outbreak of mumps in Drogheda at the time and said he would recommend sooner rather then later..

    i did get alot of information on the above topic, the doctor who started the who "link" panic turned out to have shares in the medical company who supplied the single MMR vacines… he was promoting his own product of 3 vaccines rather then the regular single dose mmr… he was years later forced to withdraw his claims, sure at that stage the elephant was already in the room, he never came out publicly to withdraw his claims..

    Also there was a MASSIVE study done in Japan, about a million kids who got the mmr and another group who didnt …. the rates of autisim in both groups were the very very same! So utterly no link between both.
    Good luck with your choice and if you feel you want to hold off for a month or two thats fine, anytime between 12 and 18 months


    no link at all my nephew didn’t get it his mother was afraid of the autism talk his behavior was out of control from the age of 2 she only found he had when he was 11 😮 .


    Taylor has elaborated properly on my sketchy info – cheers!

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