Maternity underwear, please help?

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    can anyone recommend some shops for maternity underwear that does not cost the earth and is not butt ugly. Do not want plain black and white – where can I get some nice bras and knickers that look nice and do not cost a fortune. Need maternity, wirefree and in pretty large sizes due to the massive increase since i became pregnant.

    any ideas most welcome, thank you

    Siobhán @ Mams


    Member have sale on at the moment.Best range around. Love Hotmilk brand but a bit dear. good for maternity stuff, but has some underwear. Rapid delivery.
    Both have great returns policy etc
    Babame (first exit for Newry, take Forkhill road at roundabout ie go left. It is on the left within a couple of hundred yards beside Little Rascals, opposite Golf Club) have a clothes section upstairs also do nice maternity & nursing clothes if scouting the internet, but not much in the undie line yet.

    Hope some help!!


    You are more adventurous than me. I just always buy granny underwear in Pennys and chuck them once baby is born.

    BabaMe in Newry has a pretty decent selection at their shop in Newry and can be viewed online.


    Caoimhe x
    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for your interest in Maternity Wear, Baba Me are a mother and Baby company specialising in Natural Parenting Products, we are based just off the M1 beside Rascals in Newry.

    We currently stock some beautiful Nursing Lingerie and Maternity Wear, Hot Milk and Cake lingerie are two really popular brands and we have a specialist fitting service with Andrea who works in-store, we also stock the Noppies and Esprit Maternity clothes for those of you who need comfy jeans and stylish tops! We have another exclusive brand which specialises in Evening dresses.

    We are hosting a 5th birthday party for one of our main parenting brands bumGenius which is the best selling reusable nappy in Europe. Our 5th birthday celebrations are taking place on Feb 5th in store between 11-4pm so hopefully see you there!

    Check out our website for further details




    i did same as galigal for pants – bought in pennys/asda and chucked after baby 😆 😆
    in fairness now i did go and get measured for bras – usually went to Debanhams in blanch

    Siobhán @ Mams

    I’ve been looking for some maternity underwear myself, been looking in the shops but not great selection in bigger sizes so got in touch with Babame and they kindly offered to good to come to the Mumstown event today in the Marshes.

    I got measured and nearly collapsed when I was told my size….knew they’d got bigger in past 3 months but going up 3 sizes is just ridiculous!!

    Got some lovely Hot Milk bras from Babame to take home and give a try, hope they’re as comfy and supportive as everyone says they are. will let ye know how I get on…..


    Sabbi…are you expecting?? 😀



    Congrats, delighted for you and of course your dh 😀

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Yep, we were ‘trying’ to keep it quiet but me looking pale, wearing flat shoes and sporting a little bump Tuesday at the Drogheda event gave it away….and when some mums asked me out straight if we are expecting, I caved and said yes.

    Very excited but also, very nervous too. After our miscarriage last year, we are just taking each day as it comes. Have our scan next week and fingers, toes and everything else crossed, all will be ok.

    Had been feeling quite tired and sick but that is thankfully easing off now as am heading into second trimester 😀


    Oh thats brilliant news, delighted for you both 🙂
    I didnt even notice at the bagel bar on Tues!!! You look great 😉

    Take care, i will say a little prayer to the angels for you xx



    Have everything crossed for you. Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.


    Let me know how the Hot Milk ones are Sabbi…need some new nursing bras as the ones from two kiddos ago are mangy 🙁


    Hi Ladies,

    Our fitting went well this morning, looking forward to hearing feedback I am just wondering if any of you ladies are interested in a bargain??

    Our Hot Milk & Cake bras are down to £25, and pants to match for £15! and don’t forget we offer a specialist fitting service in-store, you are more than welcome to pop in on Saturday as we celebrate the 5th birthday of bumGenius nappies!

    Lots happening including a sling wearing demonstration with Lesley Ann at 1pm our sling expert and £10 off all slings! Storytelling for the children and Cake!

    Plenty to keep you occupied!


    Siobhán @ Mams

    all I could focus on in that last post from Babame is cake….is that wrong?? 😳

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