louth – very dangerous roads

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    Mummy5 i was out i’d say about an hour ago and roads are worse then last week, i dont mind driving in bad weather but roads very bad, side roads your really taking a gamble but when you wheelspin (in second) at lights on a main road you know its bad… i was coming out of southgate and the car in front slid out onto the road, only by about 3 ft but it couldnt stop on a very very slight slope!


    Just came home from Drogheda to Clogherhead and the roads are in a serious condition. They don’t appear to be gritted at all. The only clear bit of road was where some people gritted the area around the bridge in Termonfeckin and the bend in that road. It was honestly the most frightening car journey I have made……last week the weather was worse but at least the roads were looked after to some degree. It is a disgrace. I crawled home, never going over 20mph and even at that was really scared. I’m confident driving in bad weather conditions but so aware the car can loose control at any instant. However, tonight, given the condition of the roads made the journey ludicrous. I will not be sending my children to school tomorrow if the roads are not gritted….it is far too dangerous. If I can’t drive on it safely with some degree of confidence then I wouldn’t expect a school bus driver to either. Another day lost at school, not due to snow etc. but to no grit. 👿 As long as its only a school day lost and not a life.


    we knew it was coming…….how much notice do they need….the country is suffering a recession and yet we still can’t go about our business due to crazy condition of roads. People who moan about people not going into work, school etc. should try living in rural areas with no gritting and see how far they can travel then with no public transport running on a Sunday either.


    I was only on the Roads in the town and like glass, the car kept beeping at me "risk of skidding" think if the the wheel senors monitor how the wheels move or the traction to the road, not use but fecking beep and beeping at me…. wouldnt even image what the county roads are like


    no school buses in drogheda running tomorrow it was on lmfm


    warning to bettystown drivers on AA roadwatch



    I have to go from Bettystown to Dublin early tomorow (around 7am),
    How bad is it?
    Afraid at the Julianstown bridge.
    All info welcome.



    apparently they have started gritting along coast road and will do in the mornign say 5am…

    unfortunately fabienne going out is the only way you find out, unless also you contact meath county council i posted you the number


    logon to AAroadwatch, they give updates on the road conditions.. are you going to the airport tomorrow? Good luck and enjoy the holidays, just give plenty of time and drive safe

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Bettystown is a nightmare, we got out briefly yesterday but the road from our house – a very busy road, the Piltown Road , which has a speed limit of 80kmph – was blocked due to an accident. This morning cars could not get up this road again.

    This is a main road for accessing the old Dublin road and it has not been gritted once since this weather started. We have been living in unbelievable conditions – for some reason this area is getting badly hit and there has been no effort to clear any of our roads, apart from us shovelling snow and ice ourselves.

    We stayed home today with the kids as the buses are off and we decided this morning it was just too dangerous to risk it.

    Spoke to our daughter’s playschool teacher and she took 40 minutes to get to school (its a 5 min journey usually) and it was very dangerous. We were going to try to get them out to school later this morning but listening to reports its just not worth it; so staying put.

    Stay safe everyone. Safety first. x


    I have also decided to keep mine at home today…. when I found out that the bus wasn’t running, I decided not to take any chances. Bettystown is a joke…. The fact that the bus services can’t run, on a commuter zone, because the council don’t consider the area as vital…. is just ludicrous.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    If the buses are not running it makes us worry about driving. When a professional bus driver will not take a certain route, it does not instill me with confidence to try it! Surely the council should make an effort on these roads if they know they are so bad????

    The school advised us to be careful and not to risk coming to school if it is too dangerous, at least they had the sense to err on the side of caution and as such, we felt ok about keeping the kids home today after their message. In fairness, most of our neighbours are home today too, we are all stuck here.

    We tried to get out yesterday and it was a nightmare, saw one accident where an ambulance was carting someone off to hospital and another car in a ditch, no major injuries, just looked like it just lost control and skidded in to the ditch – and there was another crash outside our estate the other day.

    It is so disappointing that nothing has been done on the roads here at all in the past few weeks. Balbriggan and Drogheda have been hit bad too and it was great to see the army and council clearing those roads but honestly, it is like no one in Meath county council has been working since this snow hit.

    I’ve emailed the council and local TD’s but surprise, surprise have not heard anything back yet. Maybe they are all off work too with the weather!!! Which makes an even more compelling case for clearing it?!!


    Wait until they coming looking for vote in Jan… hit them with your snow shovel!!!
    I go from Drogheda to East Meath and you can tell the part of the road where you cross borders


    Last Updated: 21/12/2010 19:54:43
    National Summary Report AA Roadwatch
    * Severe weather expected again this evening and tonight, with widespread ice and also some dense pockets of freezing fog. Further heavy snow showers also, these mainly over Leinster and parts of Munster. Slow down and increase your braking distance…. * Peter St in Drogheda is closed at present due to severe ice. Georges St is also impassable.


    The roads are a total disgrace… I skidded yesterday and it scared the life out of me…

    Scandalous there is not enough grit out there…

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