Looks like we are off to Oz

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    Well girls we have had ‘the talk’. It looks like we are off to Oz before the end of 09. We are just to nervous and cannot affort to wait for the country to fall to bits.

    My partner is delighted he thinks we will be very happy and the girls will have a promising future and we will have a lot more money and live comfortable. I on the other hand feel like I will be brought over kicking and screaming.I just cant see the bright side of any of it!

    Anyone have any idea of where to start researching???


    Why 09, would you not go sooner rather then later (before you dd starts school)
    I know two lads that went to America and the work as builder and get paid to teach kids GAA, there brother played for Dublin and one of them played for Dublin minors…. they love it and find the GAA community great


    Happy my dh was looking into it as well we got a brocher of 1st contact migraton http://www.1stcontactvisas.com/ContactUs.aspx they sent us out an information pack on all the fees and visa etc im trying to put him off the idea for a little while longer but the way things are going we might end up having to go …it also takes a while for the visa to come through some where saying anyting up till a yr its all points based as well dh has 130points


    Contact the Australian Embassy and speak with them. They will send you all the relevant information you need for entry, working etc etc. It can take a while to get all the paperwork in place. Research and ex-pat groups/websites where you can speak with people for advice etc are the key.
    I have friends in the UK who started the process but decided in the end not to go based on them having to change the type of law they practised.

    Good luck!


    i lived in oz for a year and it is great but like anywhere has it’s downfalls (though not many)
    I would agree with the embassy – they will have information packs etc to send to you
    Good luck with it all happy


    Hey Happy

    I’ve pm’d you


    Happy a couple we know are heading off in 6 months, they have 3 kids. They will be up on Sunday so I’ll get some info off them, they are only back from a 4 week holiday in Oz just to see what they thought of the place and they loved it

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