I have just joined the weight loss class in Duleek on a Tuesday night at 7.00 in the parish hall behind the church with Sinead and Barbara the class leaders. Its is called Perks and works much like Weightwatchers etc except it is cheaper and has a good aerobics class each week, and the girls are great. Hope to see some new faces over the next few weeks.
Yeah Barbara the mother of a child in dd class, she is AMAZING!!! Really focused and terrific on the exercise.
She also does a sensational circuit training class in Tullyallen Parochial Hall Wed and Mon nights 730, think it 7 euro, u’d know about it that u’d done it alright, in lots of good ways!
I’m back walking when kids finally get into school Mon (fingers crossed), feels like they’ve been at home forever!
The cost is €8 per week for exercise class, weigh in and talk so good value. There is the inital joining fee @ €12-15 euro. Hope to see some new faces.