looking for friends

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    Hello everyone,

    I live in Drogheda and Im a full time mum, been living here for the past 3 years and I find it so difficult to make friends, anyone in same situation? Please drop me a line. Thanks

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi Blubee,

    Welcome to Mumstown!

    There are loads of chat forums on here to talk about various topics and also, there is an ask the expert section where you can ask questions about finances, preganancy, pets and all sorts of other topics!

    If you are free on 4th June, our next Mumstown event is on at Bagel bar, Laurence Town Centre in Drogheda.

    This is a free get together, all parents, parent-to-be and their little ones most welcome.

    I’ll be there with my daughter and there are always new mums coming in so don’t be shy! 😀


    welcome i am always looking for new friends. what age are your child/children? i attend 2 of the main playgroups in the town if you have kids of pre school we could meet up at one of them. pm me for details if you want.


    Hi again Blubee!

    Pookie from the swop shop section here again. PM-ed you. Hope you got it.

    I’m just south of Dundalk, have four boys (6,4,2 & baby). Would be delighted to meet for coffee etc. Welcome to call up here & check out baby clothes etc. Maybe we could get the other mum who is interested in the baby clothes & have a bit of fun some morning!!!

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Hi girls,

    There is a Mumstown parent & baby coffee morning in Dundalk on Thursday 6th June in Bagel Bar, Marshes shopping centre if anyone fancies coming along to that.

    I’ll be there with my daughter and we will have a toddler bouncy castle/obstacle course for the little ones to crawl around and play on.

    Might see you then. 😀


    Could meet at the Dundalk or Drogheda mumstown meetup if you like…

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