LIDL Toujours Nappies – surprisingly good!

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    I’ve been using Tesco and Aldi brand nappies for all my kids, I found them better than the leading brands like Pampers for example. Still using them now for my 2 year old at night time.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    We tried these for the first time this week and have to say, am well impressed. They are good value for money and very good quality. They are quite thin and very absorbent. My friend had switched from Pampers to these recently and recommended them to me, so we gave them a go and are well impressed.

    We will definitely buy them again – here are the pricing/weight details:

    The Toujours drylock nappies are priced at €4.99 and they come in three sizes:
     Size 3 – Midi Nappies (38 x 4-9 kg)
     Size 4 – Maxi Nappies (35 x 7-18kg)
     Size 5 – Junior Nappies (31 x 11-25kg)

    Well worth a go for anyone who wants good quality on a budget!


    Aldis are great, even better the Lidl in my opinion. They have won many awards. Their pull ups are great too & so reasonable.


    my sister swears by Aldis nappys she says they are great…..I think I will try them soon myself.

    At the moment I just bulk buy pampers when they are on special, there is no way I could afford to buy them at their full price.


    i used pampers on DD1 but by time she was 2 i was using Lidl nappies during the day and pampers at night time only.
    When dd2 came along i used pampers for first few weeks and then started switching to the lidl and used them all the time on her and never had any problems at all – she did get nappy rash twice but it was teething related not the nappies and she never ever leaked out of a nappy.


    We have used Lidl, Aldi and Tesco brand for years find they are much better than pam@ers

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Have to admit, we did have a few leaks with them over the course of a few weeks and that was a bit annoying, as she wet through during the night and woke up because of it. Price is good and they are quite thin and easy to use and for her run around it but the leaks were a bit annoying, so overall, would give them a 6 out of 10 because of that.


    probably stating the obvious sabbi but is the size right? I used the lidl on both girls and never had a problem with leaking – when e2 did leak i just moved her up a size 😉

    Siobhán @ Mams

    Yep, moved her up to a size 5 and she is perfect in that. They were great in daytime and at night were mostly fine, was just a few times she wet through.


    never had a leak here either, and that’s with 3 kids in them, wouldn’t use pa@pers again, think they are a rip off!


    Do they do newborn size I can’t remember ??
    I used these on dd found them great.

    Which number is the newborn size?

    Siobhán @ Mams

    size 3 was the smallest in these ones but maybe they have newborn ones in a different type?

    I might try another size up for our toddler, she does have quite a big bum so maybe the size 5 is just a bit small for her.

    Have heard only good feedback about these nappies so think we will give them another go!


    Lidl Size 3 are great on babies, HMM. Use them all the time on baby, now 5 months. Have reusable ones (used with others – but just too busy at the minute)

    Used on DS3 as well. Found great (not so impressed with the pull ups). Alas, they don’t do the nappies in a size 6 – and my fella is a bruiser -, so am using Pampers at the minute (bought a box on special). Do Aldi do a size 6 nappy?

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