Kangaroo klub back open

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    saw an ad earlier in drogheda leader that its back open :lol:


    thought it was closed due to an accident, suppose good to have it open again but just wonder is it the best time? credit crunch and all that…..


    ah DS will be delighted that was always his favourite playcentre out of them all 🙂


    Im delighted too as it was my fav playcentre too, much better for kids both young and old.
    Will have to call back up and give them some support


    we where at a party in funta**a yesterday for a 4 year old and i think the place was just too big there for her kangaroo klub would have been ideal


    yeah saw this in drogheda leader too must try to get up think it’s only open fri/sat/sun though if i’m not mistaken


    I am pleased they are open again dd used to love it here, it was always freezing though in the winter 😥 Liked the cafe there


    Ive never been i might try it this weekend so.
    My DS is 22 mths would there be plenty of things for him to do safely?

    whats the one in aura like has anyone been?


    we went today we where the only ones there for a good while – kids loved it – then a party came , i think its a much better play area than the other places … when we drove up there where no cars in car park and only for i got out and tried the door we wouldnt have known it was open 6 euro for 90 mins play not bad as the had a great time we will go again and again 😆 😆


    brought the 2 ds’s up on Saturday.
    , and they loved it, there was a good crowd in when we were there.
    Glad its back 🙂


    Can’t believe it’s open again!!! I’ve been going to another toddler place not too far away. Just my opion, but I think it’s a bit dated and cold. It’s not easy to get a coffee when you have to toddlers with you either. Hope it can keep the pace with all the other spank’in new centres around. Have to say, it was great place to go all the same.[/img]


    I got a text of them today, they must be on a huge drive to win back the business, also it said that they have new menus and new party themes.

    I agree, the place is a bit dated and cold, but I think there is more in it fir the bigger kids than the one not too far away..


    i was at the one in funtasia the weekend brought DP’s niece and my ds. the small play area wasnt really enought for my 22 mth old and the bigger play area for the bigger kids wasnt suited either. DP’s neice who is 6 had a great time there.

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