It was very sad alright – I also grew up listening to him and enjoyed him too! We were all only talking about him Christmas Eve and how we all like him even though alot of people won’t admit it!
He will be missed.
We always went to the Gleneagles for the newyear and every year Joe Dolan was doing a big gig…. we would be the only ones not in the ballroom, but we could still hear him in the bar and the crack would be 90… along with all his fans.
We had a great chat with him while he had a 7up before he went on stage (we were the only ones in the bar) he was soooo nice.
But the best or funniest thing every to happen while we were saying there, was the fact about 200 travlers vans and all…. arrived for his concert but they werent allowed in. There were little traveler kids being passed in through window to open fire doors for the hoards outside…
Dh and I were down in Killarney for a meal and they wouldnt let us back into the hotel, all my friends kept saying it was my red hair 😳 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 I was one of the best nights of my life and still crack up laughing when I think of it or Joe Dolan….. Oh there was about 50 garda outside the hotel, it was a full on riot so not really funny 🙄