Irish Breeze Water Wipes Competition Results:

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    Hello All

    Many many thanks for all your entries to the: Irish Breeze WaterWipes Competition

    The competition is ongoing so please continue with your entries.

    Each monthly winner will be announced here:
    Nichola Matthews

    Niamh Barron

    Denise Lynch

    Anne McLoughlin

    Mariana Oniga

    Selina Connor

    Congratulations to all our winners and good luck with future entries.
    All winners will also be notified via email.
    As per the competition Rules if prizes are not claimed within 10 days, the prize will be forfeited.


    Updated, new winners announced, congratulations to all!

    Keep entering and you might be our next winner.


    When did i win wipes ? unless there is another lisa ross on here


    When did i win wipes ? unless there is another lisa ross on here

    Do the lotto… thats two wins in a week… LOTTO LOTTO LOTTO 😆 😆 😆 😆


    Yippee….I never win anything!! 🙂 Thanks admin & Irish Breeze 🙂


    It’s been awhile but all competition winners have been announced and notified…congratulations if you won…good luck next time if you didn’t!

    Irish Breeze

    Congratulations to all our Mumstown competitions winners! Six free WaterWipes packs are on their way to you! 🙂


    Hi all, I was lucky enough to win a few of packets of the brand new Derma H20 babywipes from my favourite mum’s website – of course! I got them a few weeks ago and I’d just like to give a bit of feedback on my experience with them. I think you can get them in most pharmacies, definitely Boots and McCabes. I loved them and I intend to buy them religiously from now on. They are just so kind to baby skin, I used them on my niece after her bathtime and I really noticed the difference in the feel of her skin after using them, really soft and smooth. She was delighted with them too – well at least she didn’t scream and roar as she normally does! She has very sensitive and blotchy skin and is prone to nappy rash but no sign of any irritation at all after using these. What I really like about using them is that they are so gentle and mild – can’t believe they are 99% water – that has to be good. I always like to use products that are pure and free of artificial chemicals so I was delighted to find a well known product brand that specializes in fresh, clean, pure and gentle baby wipes. I’d encourage anybody to try them out – you won’t be disappointed I promise!


    The Irish Breeze Waterwipes Competition is ongoing.
    Feel free to enter the Competition each Month with an opportunity to win a six pack of the excellent wipes.

    Irish Breeze WaterWipes Competition

    Siobhán @ Mams

    This one is still running – great for mums-to-be to stock up before baby comes along or for mammies who like a good supply of wipes at hand! We go through a fair amount of these with our daughter now – she is a muck bird!!


    We have made the draw for the last 3 months and the Winners are being contacted via email.

    Congratulations to:

    Remember this is an ongoing Competition and you can enter here:
    Irish Breeze WaterWipes Competition

    Good luck!


    We will be announcing the latest Winners of the Irish Breeze Waterwipes.

    Remember this is an ongoing Competition and you can enter here:
    Irish Breeze WaterWipes Competition


    Announcing Winners

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