Interesting Article on Down’s

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    Hi its not often I cut and paste articles etc from other web sites but I saw this article some one had posed from the Sunday Indo and I really enjoyed it … 34557.html


    its a very touching and well written piece


    yes indeed – very emotional piece.



    Siobhán @ Mams

    That is really touching…thanks for posting it hmm.


    Wow that is so well written!!!

    Love "Mary is Mary".

    Well done for finding it hmm.


    I am so impressed – Love Mary is Mary


    ah such a lovely story, welcome mary….

    it was a sad story for me to read today as i lost my aunt on the 14th Sep who lived for many years with DS, may she rest in peace reunited with her mammy and


    Ah sorry Scole, really liked the story too.

    I had a great Aunt with Down’s ( my grandad’s Sister?) only found out about her after she had died about 6 years back as she was locked up in a home from being a kid and no one had ever spoke about her and a lot of the family including my Mum didn’t even know the poor lady existed.

    Lovely eh.

    Siobhán @ Mams

    My husband’s cousin has Downs and he is very active, he has a job and is involved in family events. He is a lovely fella and while he has his quirks about his own things and gets annoyed if anyone touches his stuff but once you know not to touch his camera and other things, he’s great and mixes really well. I think he has a girlfriend now too. He has a very full life, its good he has those opportunities and by the time the little baby in the article grows up, hopefully things will be better yet again for people with Downs and how society views it

    Hmm, thats so sad that she was hidden away.

    Sorry Scole…sending you all my best. x


    Its heartbreaking alright..

    Thats the way my mams side of the family operate though..heads in the sand , I would have loved to have met her when I was living at home..teh place where she was locked up in was 10 mins away from us in a little Market Town, where I actually used to go to the Dentist..we were always there 🙁


    Is that the same Brendan O’Connor who does the Mace adverts?

    Very shocking, you just dont think of that happening at the birth of you baby, God love them and Im sure Mary will bring just as many smiles to their lives as she has brought tears over the past few weeks.

    Scole sorry to hear of you Loss


    A really thought provoking article. It brought me back so much to when my own daughter was born and I felt my world was turned upside down….the cliche….it always happens to other people, why me.

    That line ‘Mary is Mary’ really is true. I remember all my daughter’s life saying ‘Niamh is Niamh’ and trying so hard to make sure she was treated like the other children, be that her siblings, her cousins, then her classmates. I would now say the greatest giftwe gave Niamh in her short life was to be part of a normal, crazy, hectic family life. She knew she had problems walking, swallowing, had to have brain surgeries etc. but she took it in her stride because we did. She couldn’t walk unaided but still thought if she did physio she could walk, then run, and then become a ‘fire lady’ and climb a ladder. She believed in herself and didn’t see herself as ‘disabled’ -she wasn’t, she just had ‘additional needs’ and was ‘well able’.
    I know life is turned upside down when a child with additional needs comes into a family, but so much good happens too. I went from working to staying at home with all my children and that was something I never had envisaged doing…..I got to be with all my children and was hands on for Niamh’s care and could have a big influence in her life. I also got to know so many genuine people and met other parents who had children with special needs. It opened up a whole new world to me. I’m ashamed to say it but I knew nothing about disabilities or special needs as it had never touched my life before. I then went on to work for a while in the local Irish Wheelchair Assoc. and my other half still does some voluntary driving for the IWA locally. My own children are also very clued in on the issues of disability and respecting everyone. We had a lovely discussion one night were they said they weren’t ‘afraid’ of disability and if they met someone with a disability it would be fine, its the person that counts. 🙂

    Related in a way, I watched a really good programme, a repeat I think, on a young couple, Ben & Emma, who both have Downs syndrome, have being going out for 6yrs and questioning should they get married. Their relationship gave them both so much happiness in their lives. If anyones life is the better for sharing it with a special person then aren’t they lucky to have found each other….its not about disability or medical conditions…..people are people and need to give and receive love.


    Aw mummy5……..your post made me cry!!!

    It is true how dare I say ignorant people can be when it comes to mental and physical disabilities if we are not directly affected by it.

    I watched that programme too…a good while ago, they were a lovely couple.


    mummy5 lovely post…..

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