How bad can it get?
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- This topic has 20 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 4 months ago by
October 12, 2008 at 5:59 pm #3190
ParticipantWhat lies in store for us all this week with the Budget?
I hope they don’t cut the welfare payements – childrens allowance & pensions.
What can we do?
October 12, 2008 at 6:14 pm #66310Taylor5
MemberI did just read in the paper that social welfare payment are to be capped and they is talk that the under six bonus childcare payment is being knocked on the head 😈 😈 😈 😈
October 12, 2008 at 6:27 pm #66312joey_rudd
Memberif thats true i’m in trouble 🙁
October 13, 2008 at 7:40 am #66314mammycool
ParticipantHi Girls,
I don’t think you need worry about social welfare payments being cut – they may not be raised but no Government has ever cut social welfare.
I imagine the drink and cigarettes will get taxed and they may increase the tax on the paye workers and cut the plans for spending in the community. It is all speculation at any rate – we will just have to wait and see and worry then.
October 13, 2008 at 12:41 pm #66338Taylor5
MemberI’ve heard that the child benefit bonus payment is to be scrapped and child benefit allowance is to be means tested and taxed!!!!!! They will still get their big pensions and pay raises
October 13, 2008 at 1:17 pm #66342mammycool
ParticipantHi Girls,
I just had Thomas Bryne TD(Fianna Fail) at the door. I told him he was making sure he got around before the budget! Anyhow, the only things that he suggested – whether or not it will happen, was that the child benefit be taken off the rich and the college tuitiion. I asked him what he would define as a rich person – he reckoned anyone earning over 150,000 a year – though this would be means tested and mortgage payments would be taken into account.
Anyhow – we will find out tomorrow!
October 13, 2008 at 5:47 pm #66345Taylor5
MemberWill be watching the budget like a hawlk its the most important budget in year, just hope they leave the childrens allowance, If only stopped saving mine and now starting to us it to pay for ds’s playschool
October 14, 2008 at 9:13 am #66353yummymummy
Memberi do agree with means testing it though as some mega wealthy people out there recieving it ya know, prob save a few bob.
reckon vat will go up as well, hope they dont cut helath service or pensions!!!October 14, 2008 at 9:30 am #66354Yvonne
MemberI hope they don’t change the child payments… but I do think VAT will go up, and the usual cigarettes, alcohol and petrol etc…
October 14, 2008 at 10:23 am #66358munchin
Participanti think if they do means test the child benefit they should make sure it only effects those on the high earners scale – not the middle class so to speak – there are an awful lot of people in the middle class that rely on the child benefit to pay the bills!
i have heard also that PAYE rates will go up, along with off course the usual petrol & cigarettesOctober 14, 2008 at 10:32 am #66360Anonymous
InactiveCommunity schemes will get a knock I’d say…its a shame. People dont realise how important they are. I know that the Irish Wheelchair Assoc., Community Services Centre Drogheda etc. apart from many creches in town rely heavily on FAS Community Employment workers to keep their services up and running at full power. This would again have a knock on effect of reducing services to those who rely on them heavily……it feels like the people at the top have no concept of anything only their own lives. A lot of excellent work is done through schemes like CE and they need support not cutbacks.
I agree that child benefit could be means tested but it would want to have a sliding scale and starting at quite a high threshold so not to leave those who depend on it without it. I’m sure it costs a fortune to keep child benefit up and running.
Well we’ll see today…think a lot of people very interested in the budget that might not have been before…..
October 14, 2008 at 3:44 pm #66371mammycool
ParticipantWell girls, was it as bad at you thought?
The social welfare has no impact on me until I go on maternity next year. I think the poor paye workers got the brunt as usual!
My DH and I will have to suffer income levy *2, motor tax * 2, car park levy * 1, 8c a litre on petrol, benefit in kind on mileage(don’t have all the details on that one!) – I have to pay the mileage when I travel and then be taxed on my refund – definately not impressed on that! Just wondering where all this public transport is that we are supposed to use – I think we have a rare bus around here!
More dirt on the bank account – busy trying to build up the savings for next year – now they want to take them off me!
I am hoping the 50c on the cigarettes will encourage the other half to give up but doubtful!
October 14, 2008 at 6:32 pm #66377Yvonne
MemberHappy that the childrens payments are not majorly affected… 8c a litre on petrol – ridiculous – just when it had started to come down!
1% levy on income is bad aswell…
Saying that, it could have been alot worse…October 15, 2008 at 8:33 am #66380yummymummy
Membermileage….i thought that was tax free??? i get a mileage allowence oh for god sake i hope its not a BIK!!!
1% is a joke but for my little wage it doesnt affect me much, glad the mortgage interest relief went up, will really help me out the first 2 years having €208 pm off my mortgage repayments, so im happy about that!
i think the 50c rise in cigarettes will defo encourage me to give up, i rem when the euro first came in 20 were €5 now they going to be €8.05 🙁
October 15, 2008 at 8:56 am #66383Anonymous
InactiveIts a good name thou….the budget…thats all we seem to be left doing….budgeting and cutting back all the time.
Think cutting back on early years payment is silly…if they had brought in a tax relief scheme on childcare costs it might have at least recognised the genuine cost of childcare when parents out working. There could also be a payment for sahm, less as childcare is not necessary, but a payment 2 acknowledge the contribution sahm are also making and in many cases sacrificing a 2nd income to stay home.
Petrol…..a joke. I live in Clogherhead and public transport is so not usable for me. With children and needing to get into town for shopping, kids activities etc. I depend on using my car. Another gripe I have is I drive a people carrier for the simple fact I have four children and cant fit kids and car seats into a regular car. I drive this to keep my kids safe and yet here I go with a big whack of increase on tax again-up round the 600€ mark now. Maybe people who drive people carriers who do genuinely need a larger family car could have some tax excemption. I know when I first bought the people carrier and was using it under the disabled drivers/passenger scheme I gat vat back on petrol and paid no road tax. This is a good scheme which could be extended to larger families to encourage people to use carseats etc. properly and increase safety.
Pity the smokers with a 50c increase….its so two-faced. The goverement depend heavily on the revenue generated from sale of cigerattes to keep the economy going……if the money generated on cigerattes was spent helping people to quit and providing excellent care to do this then would be something. I think this country would be in serious trouble if no-one smoked and they had to generate this money from elsewhere…be interesting to know how much is generated from this 50c increase.
Basically its a budget hitting the lower earners harder..gas, electricity, petrol all gone up……but the take home pay is going down with the 1% tax increase. Doesnt make sense. Increased jobseekers benefit though which for some people is making more sense to be out of work than in. For a couple with one earner, a sahm and mayb 3 children you could be better off out of work with secondary benefits than in work….what sort of country allows that to happen. Its not very encouraging for those working in low paid jobs with families.
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