halloween games

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    Was told by a mother at school today that her ds told her he was coming to a fancy dress party in my house… we had been talking about a party for ds2’s birthday, but ds1 seems to have taken the wrong end of the stick….

    So ds2’s birthday will now be a fancy dress hallween party…. need some tips for games.. can only think of 2. the apples in the basin of water and the apple on the string! All tips welcome…..


    pumpkin bowling?
    set up some plastic bottles and use pumpkin as your bowling ball 😀


    i take it thats its an outdoor game! Would you play this in the house???

    i could see could i get cheap pumkins and they could do a carving and bring it home…..


    you could do it in the house, you can get small pumpkins.. 😕 maybe! 😆 😆


    was going to do same for my DS as his bday always in christmas hols & my sis every year for her boys when they were young had a halloween party for their freinds…will ask her what games she played…think we may be going to uk now though for halloween..so havent decided yet what to do…
    will let you know if she has anything different to play…i was getting excited about making all the spooky food…


    I know that Ruth has Halloween pinatas….. could be fun!


    Mooflower that’s good I did not say anything yet to kids about halloween party in your house.
    I did start to sew dd’s bat costume.
    1 wing done.
    See you later.


    Google on some mad American Site they would have loads of ideas..can only think of the apple bobbing game myself ..

    Maybe decorate your own halloween mask..sure have seen "blank" ones somewhere….

    How about a screeching contest 😆 😆 😆 😆


    hi all
    howz bout pass de parcel filled with halloween treats,pin de cat on de witches broom,tell a suitable spooky story,hiding halloween treats. write clues if kids r older like a treasure hunt. make toffee apples. tesco hav kits back of shop.chinese whispers. sit dem in circle u can start, choose halloween theme. nd if ur feelin brave aft kids bob in apple bowl. hav a bowl flour beside with wrapped small sweets in. dey luv doin this coz messy floury faces all round. 🙂


    the flour on faces great idea…

    Screaming comp… eh no thanks

    moonflower cant wait to see what ideas your sis has

    Im thinking… tin of celebrations in a pinata, hid the pumkin then carve it, bob the apple, apple on string…. thinking of making jelly with cooked spaghetti and chocolate coins from Aldi hidden in the jelly, covered with a tea towel, good or bad idea?


    i was thinking halloween jelly but i cdnt think of wat to put in apart from plastic spiders etc which wd b no good as b worried they wd choke so great idea with coins & spagetti (wdnt fancy eating spag thou!)

    will email my sis on fb now as wil forget otherwise….


    Spaghetti jelly bleuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh remind me never to come to your house for Dinner 😆 😆

    Why don’t you make a jelly with halloween shaped sweets in..


    Get boxes that they put there hand into but cant see whats in them and but in peeld grapes and pretend there eyeballs. let the kids feel around the box not loook in them. same with spagatti say its worms.

    We do money in a basin and your hand behind your backs.and get the money out with your teeth.kids love it (only bit of water in it). we also add nuts to it cos they get the nuts quicker 😆

    tie a string around an apple and tie it up somewhere and get them to try take a bite out of it with hands behind there backs.

    pass the parcel but put in fake spiders and other holloween stuff,


    The spagatti isnt to eat you numpty!!! you put it into the jelly, well the jelly isnt to eat either!!! 😆 😆 😆
    Its a game, seen eyeball jellies in Aldi going add them and some plastic spiders, they can eat the eye balls…. but its just a game to feel about in the jelly for the tresure 😆 😆 😆 😆


    mummy wrap, toilet roll wrap the child race…

    balloon pop, attach to foot with string and each child has to try and pop the other persons balloon

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